If proprietors of lumberyards, manufactories, halls, stores, elevators, warehouses, hotels or public buildings, regular consumers of water from the water system, located within the corporate limits of the town, wish to lay large pipes with hydrants and hose couplings to be used only in case of fire, they may apply to the town for a connection to the street main. This connection will be made by the town at the applicant's expense as a tap fee. The water use, as long as it is exclusively for fire control, shall be free of charge and may not be metered at the discretion of the town. Curb stops or gate valves will control shutoff. The hydrants shall be exercised and flushed on the same schedule and frequency of town hydrants and at the direction of the chief operator or his designee. The owner shall be responsible for repair and maintenance and shall furnish all parts and the town shall install said parts as time and manpower permit. The town and chief operator retain the right to inspect the water use at any point in time. (Ord. 179, 10-5-2010)