A.   Speed Limit Generally; Exception:
      1.   No person shall operate a motor vehicle on any highway, street or alley within the incorporate limits of the town at a greater speed than is reasonable and proper, having regard for traffic, nor at a rate of speed such as to endanger the life or limb of any person. No motor vehicle or truck of more than one-half (1/2) ton capacity shall be operated upon any highway, street or alley within the incorporate limits of the town at a speed exceeding twenty five (25) or thirty (30) miles per hour.
      2.   The speed limits in this subsection shall not apply to physicians or surgeons, police or fire vehicles or ambulances when answering emergency calls demanding excessive speed. (1986 Code § 21-102)
   B.   Specific Speed Limits:
      1.   There is hereby established for the town the following speed limits, which shall be enforced in zones so marked and be evidenced by appropriate signs placed in an area where they are visible to persons using the roadways:
         a.   School zones: Fifteen (15) miles per hour;
         b.   Second Street or U.S. Highway 16 within the town limits: Thirty (30) miles per hour;
         c.   All other streets within the town: Twenty five (25) miles per hour;
      2.   The speed limits set forth in subsection B1 of this section contemplate normal driving conditions and the provisions of the Wyoming Statutes regarding speed too fast for conditions shall apply in all other instances. (1986 Code § 16-109)
   C.   Careless Driving: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle whatsoever upon any highway, street or alley in the town so carelessly and negligently as to do harm to other vehicles, property or persons.
   D.   Driving Under The Influence: It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or operate any motor vehicle upon any highway, street or alley in the town while under the influence of intoxicating liquors, wine, beer or ale. (1986 Code § 21-102)