A.   General Penalty; Continuing Violations: Every act prohibited or declared unlawful and every failure to perform an act required by this code is a misdemeanor or an infraction as set forth in the said respective pertinent sections of this code and any person causing or permitting a violation of any such section of said code shall be subject to the penalties ascribed to each such section as set forth herein. Where silent, as to whether a violation is a misdemeanor or infraction, the City Attorney may prosecute such violation as either a misdemeanor or infraction in his/her discretion.
   B.   Violations Including Aiding, Abetting, And Concealing: Every person who causes, aids, abets or conceals the fact of a violation of this code is guilty of violating this code.
   C.   Enforcement By Civil Action: In addition to the penalties provided herein, the said code may be enforced by civil action. Any condition existing in violation of this code is a public nuisance and may be summarily abated by the city. (Ord. 16-1020; amd. Ord. 16-1037; Ord. 22-1066)