Except as hereinafter changed or modified, the administration of the electrical code shall be as set forth in section 7-1-0, "Building Code Administration", of this title.
101 Title, Purpose, Intent And Scope
101.1 Title. Title 7 Building Regulations, chapter 3 of the city of Temple City municipal code shall be known as the Electrical Code Of The City Of Temple City, may be cited as such, and will be referred to herein as "these regulations" or "these building standards" or "this code".
101.3 Scope And Applicability. The provisions of this code shall apply to the erection, alteration, installation, repair, movement, improvement, removal connection or conversion of any electrical equipment and/or appliances or any other electrical work regulated by this code within the city.
Exception: The provisions of this code shall not apply to public utilities; or to electrical wiring for street lighting or traffic signals located primarily in a public way; or to mechanical equipment not specifically regulated in this code. The provisions of this code shall not apply to any electrical work performed by or for any electrical corporation, telephone corporation, telegraph corporation, railroad corporation or street railroad corporation on or with any electrical equipment owned or controlled and operated, or used by and for the exclusive benefit of, such corporation in the conduct of its business as a public utility, or to any other work which any such corporation may be entitled by law to perform without payment of any local tax; but all provisions of this code shall apply insofar as they may consistently with the above be applicable to all other electrical work performed by or for any such corporation.
The terms "electrical corporation", "telephone corporation", railroad corporation", and "street railroad corporation" are herein used as said terms are respectively defined in the Public Utilities Code of the state of California; and such terms shall also be deemed to include similar utilities which are municipally or governmentally owned and operated.
Where, in any specific case, different sections of this code specify different materials, methods of construction or other requirements, the most restrictive shall govern. Where there is a conflict between a general requirement and a specific requirement, the specific requirement shall be applicable.
In the event any differences in requirements exist between the accessibility requirements of this code and the accessibility requirements of the California code of regulations, title 24 (also referred to as the California building standards code), then the California code of regulations shall govern.
106.1 Plan Check Requirements. When required by the building official to verify compliance with this code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations; plans and, when deemed necessary by the building official, calculations, and other required data shall be submitted for plan review. The building official may require plans and calculations to be prepared by an engineer registered by the state to practice as such. Only after the plans have been approved may the applicant apply for an electrical permit for such work. The building official may also require such plans be reviewed by other departments and/or divisions of the city to verify compliance with the laws and ordinances under their jurisdiction.
Separate electrical code plan review is required for any of the following:
1 - To verify compliance with state energy requirements when such information is not shown completely on the building plans;
2 - Any installation of any equipment rated at 400 amperes or larger;
3 - Any installation of a subpanel, switchboard or motor control center having a rating of 400 amperes or larger;
4 - Any installation of a motor rated more than 10 hp;
5 - Any installation of a transformer, generator, uninteruptable power supply (UPS), phase converter, capacitor, rectifier or other separately derived system;
6 - Any installation of a storage batteries;
7 - Any installation of equipment rated above 600V;
8 - All motion picture theaters;
9 - Assembly rooms having an occupant load exceeding 500 occupants;
10 - All gas stations, repair garages and similar locations classified as hazardous in chapter 5 of this code;
11 - Spray booths;
12 - Installation of lighting fixtures weighing more than 300 pounds;
13 - Installation of any illuminated sign.
14 - Any installation in a building of type I-A, type II-A, type III-A, type IV or type V-A fire-resistive construction where penetrations are required of fire-resistive walls, floors or ceilings.
Plans, calculations, reports or documents for work regulated by this code, relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations shall bear the seal, signature and number of an electrical engineer when required by the California Business And Professions Code. A seal and number shall not be required for work authorized by the said article to be performed by a person not registered or certified as an engineer or architect.
106.3 Information Required On Electrical Plans. Plans shall be drawn to scale upon substantial paper or other material suitable to the building official, shall be of sufficient clarity to indicate the nature and scope of the work proposed, and shall show in detail that the proposed construction will conform to the provisions of this code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
The first sheet of each set of plans shall give the street address of the proposed work and the name, address and telephone number of the owner and all persons who were involved in the design and preparation of the plans.
Where the scope of the proposed work involves the following, unless otherwise approved by the building official, the electrical plans shall indicate the following:
      (1)   A complete floor plan showing the location of the proposed service and all proposed subpanels, switchboards, panelboards and/or motor control centers. All required working space dimensions shall also be indicated where required by the building official;
      (2)   A complete plan showing the layout, conductor size and insulation type for all proposed electric wiring in all parts of the building or structure;
      (3)   A legend of all symbols used and a list of all abbreviations used;
      (4)   A complete single line diagram with complete system grounding, water pipe bonding and other metal pipe bonding as required by the building official;
      (5)   The location of all proposed outlet boxes for switches, lights, receptacles and similar devices in all parts of the building or structure;
      (6)   The location, voltage and wattage or ampere rating for each noninductive piece of equipment;
      (7)   The location, voltage and wattage or ampere rating for each transformer, capacitor, ballast, converter, frequency changer and/or similar equipment;
      (8)   The location, voltage and horsepower rating for all motors, generators and similar equipment;
      (9)   The horsepower rating for all disconnects protecting more than one motor or protecting any piece of HVAC equipment containing more than one motor;
      (10)   Panel schedules for all proposed subpanels and similar equipment;
      (11)   Lighting fixture schedule;
      (12)   Any other information requested by the building official.
Plans for buildings more than two stories in height of other than group R-3 and group U occupancies shall indicate how required fire-resistive integrity will be maintained where a penetration will be made for electrical and communication conduits, pipes and similar systems.
When deemed necessary by the building official, the first sheet of each set of plans shall indicate the building type of construction as defined in the city building code and the electrical code in effect on the date of plan check submittal.
107.1 Electrical Permit Required. No person shall erect, alter, install, repair, move, improve, remove, connect or convert, or cause the same to be done, any electrical equipment without first obtaining an electrical permit from the building official.
The issuance of a permit without first requiring a plan review shall not prevent the building official from requesting plans deemed necessary to verify that the work performed under said permit complies with this code and all relevant laws, ordinances, rules and regulations.
107.2 Work Exempted From Electrical Permit. An electrical permit shall not be required for the following:
      (1)   Minor repair work such as the replacement of lamps, switches, receptacle devices and sockets which were previously permitted and inspected under a valid electrical permit;
      (2)   Connection of portable generators, portable motors, appliances, tools, power outlets and other portable equipment connected by means of a cord or cable having an attachment plug to a permanently installed receptacle which was previously permitted and inspected under a valid electrical permit;
      (3)   Repair or replacement of overcurrent devices;
      (4)   The wiring for temporary theater, motion picture or television stage sets;
      (5)   The repair or replacement of ground, slab, floor or roof mounted fixed motors or appliances of the same type and rating in the same location and which were previously permitted and inspected under a valid electrical permit. Note: Suspended or wall mounted equipment may be exempted from electrical permit requirements only after documentation has been submitted to and reviewed by the building official for adequate seismic anchorage. Separate building permit(s) may be required;
      (6)   That portion of electrical wiring, devices, appliances, apparatus, or equipment operating at less than 25 volts and not capable of supplying more than 50 watts of energy;
      (7)   That portion of telephone, intercom, sound, alarm, control, communication and/or signal wiring that is not an integral part of an appliance, and which operates at 30 volts or less. Note: Separate permit may be required from the fire department;
      (8)   Temporary decorative lighting which is not installed for more than 90 days;
      (9)   The installation of temporary wiring for testing or experimental purposes within suitable facilities specifically approved by the building official for such use.
Exemption from the permit requirements of this code shall not be deemed to grant authorization for any work to be done in any manner in violation of the provisions of other laws or ordinances.
(Ord. 16-1020)