A.   Definitions: The words, phrases and terms will be deemed to have the meanings ascribed to them as follows:
   ARTIFICIAL TURF: A synthetically derived product that simulates the appearance of natural live grass. To be used, ARTIFICIAL TURF must meet minimum standards for materials, installation, and maintenance.
B.   Material Standards: Artificial turf must meet the following requirements related to the quality of the material.
   1.   Warranty: Artificial turf must have a minimum eight-year no-fade warranty as issued by the manufacturer.
   2.   Pile Height: Artificial turf installed in the front yard and portions of the corner side yard visible from the public right of way must have a minimum pile height of one and two-thirds inches, with parallel long slit blades.
   3.   Two Colors: In the front yard and portions of the corner side yard visible from the public right of way, the synthetic turf blades (not including the thatch layer) must contain at least two natural green colors.
   4.   Thatch Layer: In the front yard and portions of the corner side yard visible from the public right of way, the artificial turf must contain a beige or tan thatch layer.
   5.   Percolation: Artificial turf must be affixed to a permeable triple-layer backing and allow water to percolate through the synthetic grass at a drain rate of at least thirty inches (30") per hour, to an adequate drainage system installed underneath the artificial turf to prevent run-off, pooling and flooding.
   6.   Heavy Metals: The artificial turf must comply with all federal and state standards related to lead and heavy metal content.
   7.   Fill Material: The fill material must be of silica sand or zeolite material that is brushed in to keep the blades upright and achieve a natural grass look. Any replacement fill must be the same. The use of rubber crumb infill is prohibited.
   8.   Strength And Durability: The artificial turf must be constructed to maximize dimensional stability, resist damage during normal use and minimize UV degradation with a tear grab strength of at least two hundred (200) pounds. It must be resistant to staining, weather, insects, rot, mildew, and fungus and must be non-allergenic and non-toxic and able to pass the pill burn test for flammability.
   9.   Prohibited Materials: In the front yard and portions of the corner side yard visible from the public right of way, the use of indoor/outdoor carpeting, and artificial shrubs, flowers, tress, and vines instead of natural plantings is prohibited.
C.   Installation: Artificial turf must be installed pursuant to manufacturer requirements by a licensed professional with experience in the installation of artificial turf. Installation must meet the following requirements.
   1.   Site Preparation: Installation must include removal of all existing plant material and three inches (3") of a compacted aggregate base that provides adequate drainage and ensures stability.
   2.   Drainage: The area must be sloped and graded to prevent excessive pooling, runoff, or flooding onto an adjacent property. Artificial turf areas must be sufficiently drained to live planting areas to provide complete infiltration of runoff.
   3.   Anchoring: Artificial turf must be permanently anchored over the entire coverage area with nails and glue, and all seams must be nailed, or sewn and glued so as to conceal the edges, with the grain pointing a single direction.
   4.   Existing Irrigation: All existing irrigation infrastructure in the covered area, including piping and sprinkler heads that are no longer used must be capped or removed and must not be visible.
   5.   Separation From Landscaping: Artificial turf must be separated from live planting areas by a barrier such as a mow strip or bender board to prevent mixing of natural plant materials and artificial turf.
   6.   Protect Trees: All efforts must be made to protect existing trees and tree roots from damage during installation.
D.   Maintenance: Artificial turf must be maintained in an attractive and clean, unfaded condition free of weeds, stains, debris, tears, holes, depressions, ruts, odors and looseness at edges and seams. Damaged or worn areas in the artificial turf surface must be repaired or removed and replaced in a manner that results in consistent appearance with the existing artificial turf. The artificial turf surface must be replaced once it is unable to be maintained as required. Vehicle parking on artificial turf is prohibited.
E.   Location: Artificial turf must meet the following location standards.
   1.   Trees: Artificial turf may not be installed within a five-foot diameter of the trunk of any tree, including trees in the public right of way or on adjacent properties.
   2.   Parkways: Artificial turf is prohibited in all parkways.
   3.   Other Setbacks:
      a.   Front Yards: In the front yard, artificial turf must be three feet (3') from the walls of the structure (not counting bay windows and other cantilevers) and the side and front property lines. When a sidewalk is not present, no setback is required from the artificial turf to the front property line.
      b.   Visible Corner Side Yards: In portions of the corner side yard that are visible from the public right of way, artificial turf must be three feet (3') from any structure and no setback is required from the property line.
      c.   Non-Visible Corner Side Yards: In portions of the corner side yard that are not visible from the public right of way, no setbacks will apply to artificial turf.
F.   Coverage: Artificial turf must not exceed forty-three percent (43%) coverage of the front yard.
G.   Minor Exception: The Community Development Director may approve requests to reduce the setbacks shown above in subsection E3, through a minor exception. The regular findings of the minor exception are not required in these cases. All the following findings will apply.
   1.   The design results in a higher quality design aesthetic.
   2.   The minor exception will not establish an undesirable precedent.
   3.   In cases where an exception to the setback requirement is requested, additional setbacks are provided in other areas so that the average setback is approximately three feet (3'). (Ord. 23-1070)