The provisions of this section apply to the processing of urban lot splits.
   A.   Application: An application for the urban lot split must be filed and reviewed pursuant to 9-1C-5-B. All applications must include a tentative parcel map and the applicable review fees
   B.   Approval Authority: The community development director (“director”) acts on all urban lot splits and has the authority to interpret and establish guidance and procedures for the approving and finalizing tentative parcel maps for such urban lot splits, in a manner consistent with state and local law.
   C.   Public Hearing: Urban lot splits do not require a public hearing.
   D.   Notice: Notice is not required for an urban lot split.
   E.   Staff Review: The director will circulate the application for an urban lot split, together with the tentative map, to affected city departments for review and comment. Staff will transmit to the applicant for review and consideration comments from the city departments.
   F.   Approval: If the application for the urban lot split meets all the requirements of 9-1T-21-B, the director will approve the urban lot split ministerially and without a public hearing. The action of the director upon an urban lot split application is final and conclusive, in the absence of an appeal.
   G.   Appeal of Director’s Decision: Decisions of the director may be appealed to the Planning Commission in compliance with section 9-1C-5-G. (Ord. 21-1059)