A.   Development and Operating Standards. Animals may be kept in any residential unit provided the keeping of animals complies with the development and operating standards of this section and Title 3, Chapter 6 of this code.
   1.   Household Pets. The maximum number of household pets over four (4) months of age shall not exceed the limitations set forth below:
      a.   If there is only one (1) residential dwelling unit on said lot, then the limitation shall be three (3) such household pets; and
      b.   If there are two (2) residential units on said lot, then the limitation shall be two (2) household pets per unit; and
      c.   If there are three (3) or more such units on said lot, then the limitation shall be one (1) household pet per unit.
   2.   Not more than two (2) rabbits or hens or ducks over four (4) months of age per two thousand (2,000) square feet of lot area; and,
      a.   No turkeys or other livestock or fowl.
      b.   Animals may not be sold commercially.
      c.   No on-site slaughtering of animals.
      d.   Hen enclosures must be:
         (1)   At least five feet (5') from a property line.
         (2)   Any walls or fences within ten feet (10') of a property line must be solid.
      e.   Aviaries for pigeons, song or decorative birds, provided the following conditions are met:
         (1)   Not more than twelve (12) adult birds are so maintained; and
         (2)   The purpose of the maintenance of such aviary is primarily for hobby purposes and not for commercial exploitation; and
         (3)   The structures housing such aviaries shall not be located within ten feet (10') of any side or rear lot line upon the lot where located, unless separated from adjoining property by a solid wall or fence at least one inch (1") thick; nor shall the same be located in front of any residential structure; nor within thirty five feet (35') of any main building; nor shall the same be higher than any yard wall located within ten feet (10') thereof; and
         (4)   Any person may apply to the city council for a special permit for aviaries containing more than twelve (12) birds, provided that such applicant pays a fee for inspections in the amount set by the city council by separate motion, and provided further that the applicant may show to the satisfaction of the city council that such aviary will be maintained without damage or nuisance to neighboring properties; and
         (5)   All existing nonconforming structures erected for the housing of birds shall comply with new regulations and standards on or before January 1, 1971.
   3.   Nothing contained in this section shall prevent the keeping of animals or fowl by a tax supported eleemosynary or public educational institution, which are utilized as a part of such institution's curriculum; and
   4.   No person shall allow or permit animals to run at large upon any public street or place, or to trespass upon the property of another.
   5.   No person shall keep upon any premises, any animals, poultry or household pets in a foul, offensive, obnoxious, filthy or unsanitary condition.
   6.   No person, firm or corporation shall keep bees within the corporate limits.
   7.   No person may keep more than one (1) pygmy pig or hog, commonly referred to as a Vietnamese pot-bellied pig, pygmy pig, or mini-pig, that stands no higher than twenty inches (20") at the shoulder and is no longer than forty inches (40") from the tip of the head to the end of the buttocks, and weighs no more than one hundred twenty (120) pounds.
      a.   The owner or custodian of a pygmy pig must provide written confirmation to the city from a licensed veterinarian that the pig has been neutered or spayed; and
      b.   The breeding of pygmy pigs is prohibited.
   8.   Violation: Violation of this section is a public nuisance and subject to enforcement in accordance with applicable law. (Ord. 19-1036)