A. Industrial Development Standards:
Additional Development Requirement | |||
Development Standard | I | I/RES1 | |
Minimum Lot Area (square feet) | 10,000 | 10,000 | |
Minimum Lot Width (feet) | 75 | 75 | |
Minimum Lot Depth (feet) | 100 | 100 | |
Setbacks2 | |||
Front, minimum (feet) | 5 | 10 | |
Side, minimum (feet) | 0 | 10 | |
Rear, minimum (feet) | 0 | 20 | |
Corner, minimum (feet) | 5 | 10 | |
Height, maximum (feet) | 50 | 35 | |
Floor Area Ratio3 | 0.75 | 0.5 | |
1 Development standards for portions of buildings adjacent to residentially zoned properties. See section B.2 for more standards. 2 Industrial Unit: No Industrial unit will contain less than seven hundred fifty (750) square feet of floor area. | |||
B. Industrial Property Development Standards: When any lot in the I zone fronts on a street, the opposite side of which is zoned for R purposes, or abuts any R zoned property, the following standards will be observed in the construction and maintenance of buildings, structures and uses to be located thereon:
1. Minimum Non-Residential Unit Size: The minimum size of a new non-residential tenant space is eight hundred (800) square feet. The minimum width of a new, non-residential tenant space is 25 feet. These requirements apply to units previously subdivided.
2. Screening of Equipment, Refuse Storage and Loading Areas:
a. Exterior storage areas, loading docks, loading areas: All exterior storage areas, loading docks, and loading areas will be screened from view by a solid fence, wall or mature landscaped materials.
b. Mechanical equipment and duct work: All ground and rooftop mechanical equipment, including dish antennas, will be placed behind a permanent parapet wall and will be completely screened from all ground level view. No mechanical equipment will be exposed on the wall surface of a building. Gutters and downspouts are not to project from the vertical surface of the building. Vents, louvres, exposed flashing, tanks, stacks, overhead doors, rolling and "man" service doors are to be integrated into the architecture of the building. Screening will be as high as the highest portion of the equipment or ducting and will be permanently maintained.
c. All mechanical heating, air conditioning, refrigeration or similar devices, maintained and operated on the exterior of buildings located in the I Zone, will be screened and will be operated and maintained in such a manner as to meet the General Sound Level Standards of Section 9-1P-3 of this zoning code, and prevent smoke, dust, etc., from crossing the property line shared with the R zoned properties.
d. Refuse Storage: All outdoor trash, garbage and refuse containers will be screened on all sides from public view by a minimum six-foot-high concrete, or masonry decorative block wall, and the opening provided with a metal gate. Refuse storage areas will be so located as to be easily accessible for trash pick-up.
3. Development Standards for Industrial Adjacent to Residential: When any lot in the I zone fronts on a street, the opposite side of which is zoned for R purposes, or abuts any R zoned property, the following standards will be observed in the construction and maintenance of buildings, structures and uses to be located thereon:
a. Vacant Land: All vacant land on the lot or parcel of land and the parkway area or land used in conjunction with permitted uses on such properties, will be surfaced, landscaped or otherwise maintained in a clean, dust free and orderly manner. For the purpose of this provision, surfacing of concrete, asphalt, clean sand or gravel, placed on soil treated for weed control or appropriate landscaping will be deemed to comply with this provision.
b. Change in Grade: Where it is contemplated to change the grade or elevation of such I zoned properties, in excess of three feet (3') vertically, those portions of the property abutting R zoned properties, a grading plan therefor will be submitted to the city engineer, in order to obtain a grading permit, and will show fencing, landscaping, barricades, retaining walls, and other protective devices, designed to protect abutting R zoned properties.
c. Loading Docks, Storage, Etc.: Loading docks, loading areas, surface yards, outdoor storage or sales area, when permitted, and all trash, rubbish, or garbage receptacles or containers, which are located in a direct line of vision from any portion of adjacent R zoned properties, will be enclosed or screened or be separated from such R zoned properties by a view obscuring fence or wall, not less than six feet (6') in height, measured from the finished grade of I zoned lot. No outdoor storage will be permitted to extend above the height of such fence or wall.
d. Sign: All signs, advertising structures and the like, located upon such properties, and all driveways to and from such properties, will be located remote from such R zoned properties, when such R zoned properties are located on the same side of the street as said I zoned properties.
e. Lighting: Lighting will be provided in all parking areas, including loading and storage areas. Lighting will be energy-efficient and shielded or recessed so that direct glare and reflections are confined with the boundaries of the site and will be directed downward and away from adjoining properties, particularly adjacent R zoned properties.
(1) When lighting for new or rehabilitated parking facilities are proposed, a lighting plan will be prepared and submitted to the director for approval. The lighting plan will provide enough information to examine the degree to which exterior night lighting affects an adjacent street, property owner or community. Such plan will consider the light source, level of illumination, hours of illumination and need for illumination in relation to the effects of the lighting on adjacent streets, and property owners. For uniformity in lighting and prevention of shadows, an average horizontal luminance level of two footcandles with a 4:1 uniformity ratio over the surface parking area will be used.
(2) A photometric plan will depict the anticipated light levels generated by all exterior lights across the site and ten feet beyond the property lines. The standard for which the measurement is taken will be from the property line as measured at six feet (6') in height or above any boundary wall, whichever is higher. In no case will the lighting measurement exceed 0.5 footcandles.
f. Landscaping: All areas not utilized for building area and/or parking/circulation will be improved with landscaping and improved pedestrian surfaces. Landscaping will consist of a combination of trees, shrubs, and ground cover with careful consideration given to the eventual size and spread, susceptibility to disease and pests, durability, and adaptability to existing soil and climatic conditions. A landscaping and irrigation plan will be submitted for the review and approval of the director. All planted areas will be surrounded by a concrete curb six inches (6") above final grade or above asphalt level of the parking lot. However, when such planted areas are adjacent to a concrete sidewalk, masonry wall or a building, a raised concrete curb need not be provided in the adjacent area. (Ord. 19-1036; amd. Ord. 22-1060)