As used in this chapter, the following terms shall be defined as set forth herein:
   BENCH: A seat located upon public property along any public way for the accommodation of passerby or persons awaiting transportation.
   BUSINESS: Means and includes any type of product, goods, service, performance or activity which is provided or performed, or offered to be provided or performed, in exchange for money, labor, goods or any other form of consideration.
   EMPLOYMENT: Means and includes services, industry or labor performed by a person for wages or other compensation or under any contract of hire, written, oral, express or implied.
   SIDEWALK: The space between the curb line of the street and the inside property line, whether covered with a cement walk or not.
   SOLICIT: Means and includes any request, offer, enticement or action which announces the availability for or of employment, the sale of goods, or a request for money or other property or any request, offer, enticement or action which seeks to purchase or secure goods or employment, or to make a contribution of money or other property. As defined herein, a solicitation shall be deemed complete when made, whether or not an actual employment relationship is created, a transaction is completed, or an exchange of money or other property takes place.
   STREETS: Any public thoroughfare or way including the sidewalk, the parkway and any other public property bordering upon a public way. (1960 Code; amd. Ord. 94-764)