(A)   No person shall engage in any game, play or sport in any public street or alley to the annoyance of another.
   (B)   No person shall hitch or fasten any animal to any tree or near enough thereto to injure the same.
   (C)   No minor shall have or carry any toy pistol, toy gun or rubber sling in or upon any of the streets, alleys or public grounds within the city for any purpose whatever.
   (D)   It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or shoot any stone or other missile at any bird or other animal within the corporate limits of the city.
   (E)   No person shall stop any animal or vehicle on or over any sidewalk or street crossing to the annoyance of another.
   (F)   It shall be unlawful for any person to throw or cast upon the sidewalk in the city any lemon, orange or banana peel.
   (G)   It shall be unlawful for any person to move any building upon and along any street in the city without a written permit so to do from the Clerk-Treasurer by order of the Common Council.
   (H)   It shall be unlawful for any person to leave any horse or team standing in any street or alley within the city without having securely fastened the same, and when so attached to any vehicle, the traces shall be dropped.
   (I)   It shall be unlawful to station upon the sidewalks of any of the streets of the city fruit stands, peanut stands, platforms or tables in order to expose for sale fruits, cakes, confectionery or other articles.
   (J)   It shall be unlawful for the owner of any lot or part of lot bordering on any street in the city, in front of which any sidewalk shall have been laid, to allow or permit any hole, depression or other condition to exist in the same, rendering the same dangerous to travel.
   (K)   It shall be unlawful for any person not having the charge of the digging of any excavation, or having any obstruction in any street or alley of the city, to tear down any fence or barrier placed upon the same, or to remove any lamp placed thereon or to walk upon any newly made cement sidewalk or cement street or alley crossing having barriers about the same for the purpose of protecting it from foot passengers.
   (L)   Any person having the use of any portion of the street or sidewalk, for the purpose of repairing any building, shall cause two red lights to be placed in front of the obstruction and at either end of the same from dusk until sunrise each night during the time the obstruction remains.
   (M)   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons to cause any cart, wagon or vehicle to be loaded and heaped up with manure, sand, earth, mud, clay, chip shavings or rubbish of any kind, so that the contents or any part thereof shall be scattered in any street, alley or public ground in the city.
   (N)   (1)   Notwithstanding the aforesaid prohibition regarding sidewalks, the city, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, may grant a permit to exempt any person or organization from the prohibitions set out herein regarding the obstruction of a sidewalk. The city, by and through its Board of Public Works and Safety, shall enact rules and regulations governing the use of sidewalks within the city by those persons or organizations granted a permit as herein provided, which rules and regulations may include, but are not necessarily limited to, the following:
         (a)   The price of the permit;
         (b)   Limitations on the size, location, design, use, purpose and duration of any structure or obstruction erected or placed upon the city’s sidewalks;
         (c)   A requirement that the permitee indemnify the city against any loss arising out of the use of the permit for the obstruction; and
         (d)   Any other matter effecting the public health, safety and welfare.
      (2)   The rules and regulations enacted by the Board of Public Works and Safety shall be subject to subsequent ratification by resolution of the Common Council.
   (O)   It shall be unlawful for any person to erect any buildings, fence or other obstruction upon any street, alley or sidewalk or public grounds in the city.
   (P)   It shall be unlawful to permit the branches of any shade tree growing upon any of the sidewalks or streets of the city to be less than nine feet above the surface of the street or sidewalk, and the owner of any lot or part of lot abutting on any street or sidewalk in front of which shade trees are found with branches reaching below nine feet, shall cause the same to be trimmed upon notice from the City Street Commissioner. The notice shall be deemed legally sufficient if given by the Street Commissioner in a method of publishing the same in a newspaper of general circulation printed and published in the city.
   (Q)   In the event the owner of property fails to cut or remove the limbs reaching below nine feet from the surface of the sidewalk or street after ten days notice so to do, the city may, by its proper officers and agents, remove the branches, and shall in no way be liable to the property owner for any damage to any shade tree by the acts of the agents and servants of the city acting under authority of this section.
   (R)   It shall be unlawful for any person to sell or cause to be sold upon the streets, sidewalks, alleys or public grounds of the city, at auction or public outcry, any wares, merchandise, furniture, patent medicines or other articles, provided that this section shall not apply to the sale of goods made by any officer or by order of court.
   (S)   It shall be unlawful for any person to deposit in any of the streets, alleys or public grounds of the city any broken glass, old fruit can, articles of tinware or any kind of rubbish whatever.
   (T)   It shall be unlawful for any person to put or pile any brick, sand or gravel, stone or other material in any street or alley within the city without permission from the Mayor or Common Council.
(`81 Code, § 20-2) (Ord. 63, passed 11-11-1902; Am. Ord. 1044, passed 10-3-2011)
   (U)   (1)   It shall be unlawful for any person or persons, firm or corporation to deposit, burn, set fire to or otherwise destroy any rubbish, garbage, leaves or other public pavement within the city, if the deposit, burning or destruction of the garbage, rubbish leaves or other substance or material shall be injurious to or destructive of the paved street, sidewalk, curb, gutter or other pavement.
      (2)   The burning or setting fire to leaves, garbage, rubbish or any other material is hereby conclusively presumed to be injurious to and destructive of any pavement.
(`81 Code, § 15-10) (Ord. 205, passed 11-8-1927)
   (V)   It is unlawful for any person or persons to skate with roller skates or to roller skate upon the sidewalks of the city, provided that nothing herein shall be construed as forbidding roller skating on the walks in and around the City Hall park, and the grounds of the city public schools.
(`81 Code, § 15-7) (Ord. 162, passed 4-9-1919)
   (W)   It shall be unlawful for any person, persons, firm or corporation having the control, management, possession or ownership of any lot, tract or parcel of ground within the city, along and adjoining which any sidewalks regularly used by foot passengers extend, to permit or allow any snow or ice to be and remain on any sidewalk or sidewalks regularly used by foot passengers so extending along and abutting the lots, tracts or parcels of land in the city longer than a period of eight hours during the daytime, after the snow has fallen or the ice has formed and frozen.
(`81 Code, § 15-8) (Ord. 180, passed 1- -1921; Am. Ord. 932, passed 4-4-2005) Penalty, see § 10.99
   General offenses, see Chapter 130
   Open burning, see § 94.01