(A)   First councilmanic district. The first councilmanic district of the city hereby includes all of that territory bounded as follows: Beginning at the Ohio River at the centerline of Humboldt Street extended; thence east to the intersection of Sixth and Humboldt; thence north to the intersection of Sixth and Franklin; thence east along the centerline of Franklin to the intersection of Franklin and 18th Street; thence south along the centerline of 18th street to the point where it intersects Windy Creek; thence westerly meandering along the centerline of Windy Creek through Block 236 across 17th Street and into Block 216; thence southwesterly through Block 216 and south across Humboldt Street and into Block 217; thence south-southwesterly through Block 217 until it intersects 16th Street near the southwest corner of Block 217; thence south along the centerline of 16th Street until it intersects with Pestalozzi Street; thence east along the centerline of Pestalozzi Street to the middle of the intersection of 19th and Pestalozzi Street and all of that territory that lies south of the above-described line within the corporate limits of Tell City.
   (B)   Second councilmanic district. The second councilmanic district of the city hereby includes all that territory bounded as follows: All of that territory within the corporate limits of the city which lies to the east of the below described west boundary line of the city and between the centerline of Pestalozzi Street to the south and the centerline of Tell Street to the north and thence east to the eastern boundary of the corporate limits of the city: Commencing at the intersection of 15th and Tell Street; thence south along the centerline of 15th Street to the intersection of 15th and Fulton Street; thence west along the centerline of Fulton Street to the intersection of Fulton and 12th Street; thence south along the center of 12th Street to the intersection of 12th and Mozart Street; thence east along the centerline of Mozart Street to its intersection with 15th Street; thence south along the centerline of 15th Street to its intersection with Franklin Street; thence east along the centerline of Franklin Street to its intersection with 18th Street; thence south along the centerline of 18th Street to its intersection with Windy Creek; thence westerly meandering along the centerline of Windy Creek through Block 236 across 17th Street and into Block 216; thence southwesterly through Block 216 and south across Humboldt Street and into Block 217; thence south-southwesterly through Block 217 until it intersects 16th Street near the southwest corner of Block 217; thence south along the centerline of 16th Street until it intersects with Pestalozzi Street.
   (C)   Third councilmanic district. The third councilmanic district of the city hereby includes all that territory bounded as follows: For the southern boundary of this district, commence at the intersection of the Ohio River and extended Humboldt Street; thence east along the centerline of Humboldt Street to its intersection with Sixth Street; thence north along the centerline of Sixth Street to its intersection with Franklin Street; thence east along the centerline of Franklin Street to its intersection with 15th Street for the eastern boundary of this district; thence north long the centerline of 15th Street to its intersection with Mozart Street; thence west along the centerline of Mozart Street to its intersection with 12th Street; thence north along the centerline of 12th Street to its intersection with Fulton Street; thence east along the centerline of Fulton Street to its intersection with 15th Street; thence north along the centerline of 15th Street to its intersection with Tell Street; thence east along the centerline of Tell Street to the eastern boundary of the corporate limits of Tell City; thence north along the eastern boundary of the corporate limits of the city to extended Herrman Street for the northern boundary of this district; thence west along the centerline of extended Herrman Street to its intersection with 24th Street; thence south on 24th Street until it coincides with Dauby Lane and along the centerline of Dauby Lane to its intersection with extended Lafayette Street; thence west along the centerline of extended Lafayette Street and Lafayette Street to its intersection with the Ohio River for the western boundary of this district; thence southeasterly meandering along the Ohio River to its intersection with extended Humboldt Street.
   (D)   Fourth councilmanic district. The fourth councilmanic district of the city hereby includes all that territory within the corporate limits of the city, with the west boundary being the Ohio River and the south boundary being Lafayette Street from its intersection with the Ohio River to its intersection with Dauby Lane; and the area north of the south boundary as described above and east of the west boundary as described above within the corporate limits of the city.
   (E)   Elections. The district candidates receiving the most votes in the respective district shall be elected to the Common Council and the at large candidate receiving the most votes from the entire city shall be elected to the Common Council.
(Ord. 756, passed 11-7-1994; Am. Ord. 889, passed 11-4-2002; Am. Ord. 1064, passed 12-27-2012; Am. Ord. 1198, passed 12-19-2022)