(A)    Committees shall take final action only on those matters authorized herein or by ordinance, resolution, or policy adopted by the Board.
   (B)   A committee shall allow non-members to appear before it when such appearance is appropriate and does not violate due process of law. A request for such appearance shall be directed to the Committee Chairman in writing with the subject matter stated at least 24 hours in advance of the meeting unless otherwise allowed by the Committee Chairman. The committee shall have the right to set reasonable time limits, prevent unruly conduct, and require groups to be represented by one spokesman.
   (C)   The regular committee meeting dates, location, and times shall be set by the Committee Chairman after consultation with the committee members.
   (D)   Each Committee Chairman shall require the Secretary of the Committee to prepare and send, by email or other electronic method, an agenda to all committee members in advance of a regularly scheduled meeting. The secretary of the committee shall provide for public notice, including as required by the Illinois Open Meetings Act (5 ILCS 120/1 et seq.).
   (E)   Committees shall use the public address system when meeting in the county board room, except during closed meetings.
   (F)   Items for the agenda shall be provided to the secretary of the committee at least seven days prior to the meeting date. Items received within seven days may be allowed at the discretion of the Committee Chairman when Open Meetings Act requirements can still be met.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 4-9) (Ord. E-18-22, passed 2-25-2018; Res. E-23-90, passed 5-31-2023; Res. E-23-131, passed 10-25-2023)