(A)   The standing committees.
      (1)   Standing committees are:
         (a)   The Executive Committee, which consists of the Board Chairman, Vice Chairman of the Board, and the Chairman of the other standing committees, as well as any other Board member designated by the Chairman. The Chairman of the Board shall have the same voting rights as designated in § 33.02(B); and
         (b)   The Finance Committee, Human Resources Committee, Transportation Committee, Health Services Committee, Property Committee, Land Use and Development Committee, the Executive Committee, and Risk Management Policy Committee. All standing committees may have up to 11 members exclusive of the Board Chairman unless otherwise required by these rules.
      (2)   Each Board member shall serve on two or more standing committees.
      (3)   The Chairman of the Board shall be an ex officio member of all standing committees and subcommittees. The Board Chairman shall have the same voting rights as provided in § 33.02(B).
      (4)   The Committee Chairman shall have the same voting rights as any member of the Committee.
   (B)   Quorum. A majority of the members of a committee, subcommittee, or ad hoc committee shall constitute a quorum. The Board Chairman's attendance at a committee meeting (but not a subcommittee meeting) shall be counted when determining if a quorum is present; however, such attendance shall not increase the number of members constituting a quorum.
   (C)   Recording of votes. Roll call votes shall be required in committees as in § 33.06(C). Whenever a roll call vote is not taken, any member may have their own vote recorded in the minutes by so requesting at the time the vote is taken.
   (D)   Alternate members and attendance of members at committee meetings other than those to which they are assigned.
      (1)   An alternate member may be appointed to each standing committee by the Chairman of the Board and such alternative shall attend meetings of such committee if required to constitute a quorum and shall have all the privileges and duties of a regular member while so serving.
      (2)   Board members may attend and have access to minutes resulting from any open or closed meetings or sessions of committees of which they are not members. At the discretion of the Committee Chairman, during the meeting, the Board member may participate in the meeting but without voting privilege or payment of per diem, mileage, or expenses.
      (3)   Any closed meeting or closed session held by any committee of the County Board shall be held in accordance with the provisions of the Illinois Open Meeting Act. Neither the news media nor the general public shall be allowed to record the closed session.
      (4)   Decorum during the proceedings of all committee meetings shall be maintained at all times by members, interested parties, the public, and the media. The Committee Chairman shall be authorized to take appropriate action to maintain said decorum.
   (E)   Subcommittees of standing committees.
      (1)   Subcommittees of the Executive Committee. The standing subcommittees of the Executive Committee are: Rules Subcommittee, Collective Bargaining Subcommittee, Legal Services Subcommittee, Legislative Subcommittee, and Ethics Commission Subcommittee appointed by the Chairman. In addition, the Chairman may create and appoint up to six members to such subcommittees and advisory groups deemed necessary from time to time to more efficiently accomplish the business of the committee. Membership of any subcommittee of the Executive Committee shall consist of Board members but shall not be restricted to members of the Executive Committee. Membership of any advisory group shall not be restricted to Board Members. Except as otherwise provided by statute or ordinance, such subcommittee shall report to the Executive Committee.
      (2)   Subcommittees of other standing committees. The Chairman of any standing committee may create such subcommittee of his committee as may be necessary from time to time to more efficiently accomplish the business of such standing committee. The Board Chairman shall be an ex officio member of any such subcommittee with the same voting rights as provided in § 33.02(B). Appointment to such subcommittee shall be made by the committee Chairman and shall be restricted to members of the standing committee. Except as otherwise provided, such subcommittees shall report to their standing committee.
   (F)   Frequent absences. Any member who shall have frequent absences without reasonable cause may, at the discretion of the Board Chairman and Committee Chairman, be removed from the Committee.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 4-7) (Ord. E-18-22, passed 2-25-2018; Res. E-23-131, passed 10-25-2023; Res. E-24-45, passed 4-24-2024)