(A)   Compensation and reimbursement of Board Members.
      (1)   Submitting Claim Vouchers. Claim vouchers for per diem compensation and reimbursement of expenses shall be submitted to the Auditor by the tenth day of the month for presentation to the Finance Committee. Per diem requests must be accompanied by the written approval of the Chairman of the Board. Requests for reimbursement of expenses shall include a description of the expense incurred, purpose of expense, date incurred, and the signature of the member, verifying that such expenses was incurred for the benefit of the county. Additionally, mileage reimbursement requests shall not be paid unless the voucher states date, origin, and destination of travel; and purpose and number of miles.
      (2)   Per diem compensation.
         (a)   In addition to an annual salary of $2,400, which is to be paid in 12 equal monthly installments each year, Board members shall receive a per diem for each day that a standing committee meeting was physically attended and when time is spent on authorized Board business beyond regular meetings of the County Board. "Authorized Board business" is limited to activities approved by the Board Chairman including, but not limited to, the following examples:
            1.   Attendance at special meetings of the full Board;
            2.   Attendance at a formal meeting of another governing or advisory body as the officially appointed representative of the Board to such body (for example, Health Department, Tri-County Regional Planning Commission and its Executive Board, PPUATS Policy and Technical Committees);
            3.   Attendance at any meeting of a board, commission, or agency to which they have been appointed as a liaison (for example, Veteran's Commission, Persons with Developmental Disabilities Board, Board of Health, We-Care Board, Youth Services Board, Heartland Water Resources Board, Prairie Rivers RC&D Board, Tazewell County Farm Bureau, Pekin Main Street);
            4.   Attendance at the County Zoning Board of Appeals by members appointed to the Land Use Committee and by other members approved by the Board Chairman;
            5.   County Board Chairman approved attendance at education seminars and other training, meetings with other governmental agencies, and attendance to perform other work connected with the official business of the county.
         (b)   The per diem amount shall be $75.
         (c)   “Per diem” means “per day” and therefore, regardless of the amount of Board business conducted in a single day, per diem compensation shall never be more than $75 for any single day.
      (3)   Mileage reimbursement.
         (a)   Mileage shall be reimbursed at the rate in effect under regulations promulgated pursuant to the Internal Revenue Code (5 U.S.C. § 5707(b)(2)). All other expenses (fuel, lubricants, insurance, towing, and the like) are the sole responsibility of the Board member.
         (b)   Mileage shall be reimbursed for travel to:
            1.   Any County Board meeting and standing committee;
            2.   Any activity which would qualify as authorized Board business for per diem compensation; and
            3.   Any site which is the subject of a zoning decision or transportation project before the full Board.
         (c)   The number of miles reimbursed shall be limited to the lesser of:
            1.   The round trip route from the member's residence to the activity or site; or
            2.   The actual route traveled to and from the activity/site.
      (4)   Miscellaneous reimbursement. Reimbursement for all other expenses shall be in accordance with the policy for all county employees.
      (5)   Claim vouchers for mileage, per diem and miscellaneous reimbursements of expenses shall be submitted to the County Board office. Requests for reimbursement of expenses shall include a description of the expense incurred and the signature of the Board member, elected official, or department head verifying that such expenses were incurred for the benefit of the county. Additionally, mileage reimbursement requests shall not be paid unless the voucher states:
         (a)   Date, origin, and destination of travel;
         (b)   Specific county business purpose; and
         (c)   Number of miles.
      (6)   Reimbursement requests for mileage, per diem or miscellaneous expense reimbursement requests submitted after 60 days following the last day of the month during which the meeting/travel occurred shall not be paid. Any board member waiting beyond the 60-day period shall forfeit all rights to such reimbursement.
   (B)   Payment of bills.
      (1)   All bills shall be submitted to the Finance Committee Chairman to determine whether some or all claims against the county should be allowed or disallowed, if sufficient funds have been budgeted and are available in the appropriate county fund.
      (2)   The Auditor will provide a monthly report of all claims paid in the prior month to the Board and the Board Chairman for review of each claim paid and that the report will identify the creditor, the department or county official which purchased the product or service, the fund from which the payment was made and the amount of the payment, and the date the check was issued.
   (C)   Payments of per diems for members of the County Board, the Zoning Board of Appeals, and the Merit Commission shall be eligible for direct deposit through the Payroll Department with any amendments to per diems occurring in the next payroll.
(Prior Code, 1 TCC 4-12) (Ord. E-18-22, passed 2-25-2018; Res. E-23-19, passed 1-25-2023; Res. E-23-131, passed 10-25-2023; Res. E-24-45, passed 4-24-2024)