(A)   At the annual meeting the Commission shall elect, by secret written ballot, from their members, a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson who are to serve for the period of one year.
   (B)   The said Chairperson shall preside over all meetings of the Commission, annual, regular, and special, in the event the Chairperson vacates his or her term of office or is absent, the Vice Chairperson shall preside in his or her stead. The Superintendent of the Commission, or the delegated representative appointed by the Chairperson shall take minutes of all meetings and record the name in the records of the Commission.
   (C)   There shall be elected at an annual meeting the Superintendent of the Veterans Assistance Commission of the county who shall serve for the period of four years and until his or her successor is elected and qualified. The Superintendent shall be chosen by secret written ballot from the list of nominees presented by member of the Commission from the floor at the October meeting, the nominations will be closed at this meeting.
   (D)   The nominee for Superintendent receiving the majority number of votes cast shall be declared the elected Superintendent of the Commission.
   (E)   Each delegate shall be entitled to one vote, and if the delegate is not present at the annual meeting, then the alternate of said delegate shall be entitled to one vote.
   (F)   The fiscal year of the Commission shall run concurrent with the fiscal year of the county. All delegates and alternates and elected personnel will take office the December of the current year.
   (G)   These bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of this Commission if there is a quorum of at least seven delegates present, providing that the proposed amendment has been submitted in writing and read at the last proceeding meeting and provided further that a copy of the written amendment has been mailed to all members of the Commission (delegates, alternates, and officers) at least ten days in advance of the date when such amendment is to be voted upon. All members and member organizations will be notified by first class mail at their last known address.
   (H)   Any number of delegates at a meeting may approve the reading of the bills and, at the direction of the Chairperson, may approve emergency bills due to hazardous weather conditions.
(Prior Code, 2 TCC 4-1)