(A)   The executive powers of this Commission shall be vested in a Superintendent to be designated as the Superintendent of Veterans Assistance Commission of the county.
   (B)   The Superintendent shall be elected by the Commission shall, under the direction of the Commission, have charge of and maintain an office in a location in the county to be used to carry on the work of the Commission.
   (C)   There shall be a Secretary of the Commission who will be appointed by the Superintendent.
   (D)   The Superintendent may be removed from office prior to completion of his or her appointed term, for cause.
   (E)   Removal procedures may be instituted by written appeal to the Commission by three member organizations.
   (F)   Upon written appeal, an investigative committee, consisting of five delegates or alternates, shall be elected to investigate allegations of malfeasance or any demeanor that hinders the ethical or professional standards of the position of Superintendent.
   (G)   A report of committees findings will be made to the Commission and the Commission shall vote upon the appeal. An affirmative vote for removal by two-thirds the delegates or alternates attending a regular or special meeting where there is a quorum of seven delegates present, shall terminate the Superintendent appointment.
   (H)   All member organizations and delegates shall be notified of the pending appeal at least ten days prior to the date that such appeal is to be voted upon. All member organizations and delegates will be notified by first class mail at their last known address.
(Prior Code, 2 TCC 4-1)