§ 32.123 DELEGATES.
   (A)   This Commission shall be composed of one delegate and one alternate from each post, detachment, camp, unit, chapter, or ship, of the following organizations: American Legion, American Veterans of World War II, Disabled American War Veterans, Marine Corps League, and Veterans of Foreign Wars.
   (B)   Such delegates and alternates are to be selected annually as may be determined by each of the organizations named above and shall serve for the term of one year to run concurrent with the fiscal year of the county and until their successor is selected.
   (C)   If a delegate or alternate vacancy occurs, prior to completion of the prescribed term of office, representative organizations may reappoint delegates or alternates to fill the unexpired term.
   (D)   The Superintendent must be an honorably discharged veteran and shall be elected by the Commission and shall, under the direction of the Commission, have to carry on the work of the Commission.
   (E)   Neither the Superintendent nor any other employee of the Commission shall be allowed to hold any political office during their employment by the Commission.
(Prior Code, 2 TCC 4-1)