§ 32.105 PROMOTION.
   (A)   Certification.
      (1)   All merited employees seeking promotion must have served at least one year in their current rank to be eligible to take a written examination for the next higher rank.
      (2)   At the time of notification of holding of examination for promotion, applicants must not be on leave of absence, except for military service.
      (3)   After meeting the above requirement, but prior to promotion, the Deputy/corrections officer must:
         (a)   File a formal application with the Commission;
         (b)   Take and pass any written or oral promotional examination offered by the Commission;
         (c)   Submit Sheriff’s performance evaluations for the previous year, if applicable;
         (d)   Be adjudged to be qualified and placed upon a list of qualified applicants by the Commission; and
         (e)   Be selected from the qualified list and appointed to the appropriate position and rank by the Sheriff when a vacancy or vacancies occur.
   (B)   Certification of tenure. After successfully completing the above promotional procedure, applicants shall be certified as tenured at the appropriate position and rank by the Commission.
   (C)   Lists of qualified. List of qualified promotional candidates shall be prepared and prominently posted at the completion of each promotional screening by the Commission. The list may group the qualified persons alphabetically. Such lists shall remain in force for two years or until exhausted, whichever is shorter.
(Prior Code, 2 TCC 3-5)