§ 154.007 FEES.
   (A)   Fees required under this chapter and the codes adopted herein by reference are set forth in § 154.011.
   (B)   All applications submitted for approval under the codes adopted herein by reference shall be accompanied by payment of a fee as adopted by the County Board from time to time to defray the costs incurred by the county in reviewing the application. No application shall be considered to be complete until such fee has been paid. No permit required by any of the codes adopted herein by reference shall be issued until the applicable fee has been paid.
   (C)   Whenever the Community Development Administrator determines that any tests are required to determine compliance with any of the codes adopted herein by reference or determines that an expert’s opinion is required to determine compliance with any said codes, the costs of such tests and fees of such experts shall be paid by the owner and/or permit applicant.
(Prior Code, 7 TCC 5-1(i)) (Res. LU-21-06, passed 7-28-2021)