§ 98.10 NOTICE.
   (A)   The applicant shall comply with all notice requirements established by the Act and this chapter. Nothing contained in this chapter shall relieve applicant of any and all notice obligations.
   (B)   All notices shall contain at least the following information:
      (1)   The name and address of the applicant;
      (2)   The owner of the site, and in case ownership is in a land trust, the names and addresses of the beneficiaries of said trust;
      (3)   The legal description of the site;
      (4)   The street address of the property, and if there is no street address, a description of the site with reference to location, ownership, or occupancy, or in some other manner that will reasonably identify the property to residents of the area;
      (5)   The nature of the proposed development;
      (6)   The probable life of the proposed facility;
      (7)   The date, time, and location of the public hearing, if known; and
      (8)   A statement that the application is available to the public in the office of the County Clerk and that copies of the application are available upon payment of actual cost of reproduction, pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS 140/1 et seq.).
(Prior Code, 6 TCC 8-10)