For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ALARM SYSTEM. Any mechanical or electrical device that is arranged, designed, or used to signal the occurrence in the city of a burglary, robbery, or other criminal offense, fire, or medical emergency requiring urgent attention, and to which police, fire, or emergency medical personnel are expected to respond. ALARM SYSTEMS include those through which public safety personnel are notified directly of such signals through automatic devices or are notified indirectly by way of third persons or electronic or mechanical systems monitoring the alarm systems and reporting such signals to the Fire or Police Department. ALARM SYSTEMS also include those designed to register a signal which is so audible, visible, or in other ways perceptible outside a protected building structure or facility as to notify persons in the neighborhood beyond the zoning lot where the signal is located who in turn may notify the Police or Fire Department of the signal. ALARM SYSTEMS do not include those affixed to automobiles. Furthermore, ALARM SYSTEMS do not include auxiliary devices installed by telephone companies to protect telephone equipment or systems which might be damaged or disrupted by the use of an alarm system. Alarms in separate structures are to be counted as separate systems even though owned by same person or entity.
   ALARM USER. Any person, firm, corporation, partnership, or entity who or which purchases, leases, contracts for, obtains, or uses an alarm system or subscribes to an alarm system.
   FALSE ALARM. An alarm system signal eliciting a response by the Police or Fire Department when a situation requiring a response by the Police or Fire Department does not in fact exist. FALSE ALARM does not include an alarm signal caused by violent conditions of nature or other extraordinary circumstances not reasonably subject to control by the alarm business operator or alarm user. Alarms resulting from the following conditions are not considered to be FALSE ALARMS:
      (1)   Criminal activity, unauthorized entry, or other unauthorized actions by a party other than the alarm user or someone responsible for the alarm system;
      (2)   Earthquake causing structural damage to the protected premises;
      (3)   High winds sufficient to activate motion detection system or causing physical damage to the protected premises;
      (4)   Flooding of the protected premises due to overflow of natural drainage;
      (5)   Lightning bolt causing physical damage to the protected premises;
      (6)   Telephone line malfunction verified in writing to the city by at least a first line telephone company supervisor;
      (7)   Electrical service interruption verified in writing to the Department by local power company; and
      (8)   Communication to the Police or Fire Department before a unit is dispatched to investigate, clearly indicating that the alarm is resulting from authorized entry, authorized system test, or other non- criminal cause.
(Prior Code, 4 TCC 4-1)