(A)   Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Heritage Lake Special Service Area Commission shall be the County Administrator.
   (B)   Powers and duties of Chairperson. The Chairperson of the Commission shall have the following duties and powers:
      (1)   To preside over meetings of the Commission;
      (2)   To delegate duties to Commissioners, to such other officers as the Commission may create, and to such committees and subcommittees of the Commission as may be created;
      (3)   To obtain performance by each of the committees of the Commission, or subcommittees, of its functions and to otherwise cause the functions and duties of the Commission to be performed;
      (4)   To provide general leadership and direction to the Commission;
      (5)   To work cooperatively with the Chairman of the County Board and to keep the Chairman of the County Board informed as to the activities and plans of the Commission and as to its recommendations and needs;
      (6)   To be an ex officio member of all committees and subcommittees of the Commission; and
      (7)   To perform such other duties as will advance the purposes of the Commission.
   (C)   Powers and duties of Commission. The Commission shall have the following duties and responsibilities:
      (1)   It shall generally provide oversight and management to and for the Service Area;
      (2)   It shall annually prepare and submit to the County Board a budget for the Service Area on or before August 15 of each year;
      (3)   It shall annually prepare and submit to the County Board an appropriation ordinance for the Service Area;
      (4)   It shall annually prepare and submit to the County Board a tax levy ordinance for the Service Area;
      (5)   It shall prepare and recommend to the County Board from time to time such changes in this subchapter creating the Service Area and the boundaries of the Service Area or any part thereof as may be deemed necessary by the Commission;
      (6)   It shall prepare and recommend to the County Board from time to time plans and/or recommendations for specific improvements in pursuance of the Service Area.
      (7)   It shall annually receive from the Heritage Lake Association a list of property owners each of whom is to be assessed, and the specific properties to be assessed, in the next succeeding tax year;
      (8)   It shall review and approve the list of property owners received from the Heritage Lake Association, and shall certify such list to the County Clerk; and
      (9)   It shall exercise such other powers germane to the powers granted and as may be conferred by the County Board.
(Ord. E-17-106, passed 9-27-2017)