The license official shall review the completed application submitted by the applicant and issue a permit in accordance with the following:
   A.   Temporary Permit:
      1.   A temporary permit shall issue allowing the applicant to immediately begin door to door solicitation upon the following conditions:
         a.   Applicant's submission of a completed application;
         b.   Applicant's submission of the required fee;
         c.   Applicant establishes proof of identity;
         d.   The applicant's representations on the application form do not affirmatively show a disqualifying status;
         e.   The BCI does not affirmatively show a disqualifying status; and
         f.   The applicant has not previously been denied a permit by the city, or had a permit revoked for grounds that still constitute a disqualifying status under this chapter.
      2.   A temporary permit will automatically expire after twenty five (25) calendar days from issuance, or upon grant or denial of an annual permit, whichever period is shorter.
   B.   Annual Permit: Within twenty five (25) calendar days of the issuance of a temporary permit the city shall:
      1.   Take any and all actions it deems appropriate to verify the truthfulness and completeness of the information submitted by the applicant, including, but not limited to, those disclosed with the application form.
      2.   Issue written notice to the applicant and the responsible person or entity, if any, that the applicant either:
         a.   Will be issued an annual permit, eligible for renewal one year from the date of issuance of the temporary permit; or
         b.   Will not be issued an annual permit for reasons cited in section 5.86.140 of this chapter.
   C.   Renewal Permit: An annual permit shall be valid for one year from the date of issuance of the temporary permit and shall expire at twelve o'clock (12:00) midnight on the anniversary date of issuance. Any annual permit that is not suspended, revoked, or expired may be renewed upon the request of the registered solicitor and the submission of a new completed application and payment of the fee, unless any of the conditions for the denial, suspension or revocation of a permit are present as set forth in section 5.86.140 of this chapter, or a disqualifying status is present. (Ord. 06-38, 9-6-2006)