Landlords shall operate and manage rental dwelling units and ADU’s in accordance with the following requirements:
   A.   Provide at least one operable sink, toilet, tub, and shower, free from leaks and in a sanitary condition with hot water of at least one hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit (110°F).
   B.   Provide at least one operable smoke detector for each room that is occupied or intended for sleeping purposes.
   C.   Provide operable heating facilities sufficient to adequately heat the rental dwelling unit to a temperature of at least seventy two degrees Fahrenheit (72°F).
   D.   Provide kitchen facility with at least one operative sink, free from leaks with hot water of at least one hundred ten degrees Fahrenheit (110°F) and cooking oven or stove.
   E.   Provide and maintain windows in working order with operable locks and free from cracks or breaks in the glass. Windows shall fit the window openings and be weathertight.
   F.   Assure that the rental dwelling unit is free from insects, termites, and rodents and be responsible for pet control measures when necessary.
   G.   Provide adequate locks to all exterior doors.
   H.   Provide and maintain appropriate garbage receptacles.
   I.   Maintain paint, siding, stucco, brick, etc., in good repair, free from peeling, holes, or cracks.
   J.   Maintain sidewalks, driveways, and walkways in good repair, free from unsafe conditions.
   K.   Maintain fences in good repair, free from graffiti, peeling paint, damage, and able to stand upright as designed without propping or additional support.
   L.   With the exception of ADU’s, provide at least two (2) hard surface off street parking spaces for each rental dwelling unit. Such off street parking shall not be on landscaping.
   M.   Assure that the rental dwelling unit is in compliance with the requirements of this code.
   N.   Assure that the rental dwelling unit is not a “nuisance” as defined in title 9, chapter 9.08 of this code.
   O.   Require criminal background checks for each new tenant over eighteen (18) years of age.
   P.   Assure prompt eviction of any tenant for violation of any of the provisions of this chapter.
   Q.   Initiate prompt eviction where legally permissible of any tenant for committing any crime related to property damage, illegal drug sales or trafficking, prostitution, violence of any kind, assault, or crimes involving weaponry.
   R.   Encourage annual meetings for rental dwelling tenants, initiated by the rental dwelling owner or the owner’s agent, to discuss tenant concerns and review rental dwelling licensing rules.
   S.   Assure no tenant will be retaliated against as a result of reporting violations of a lease agreement, rental dwelling management agreement, or this code. (Ord. 10-33, 11-10-2010; amd. Ord. 23-01, 2-1-2023)