A.   The mayor, upon recommendation of the license official, may deny the issuance of a license if the applicant has:
      1.   Been convicted of a felony or any crime involving moral turpitude; or
      2.   Obtained, or has aided another to obtain, a license by fraud, deceit, material misrepresentation or material omission; or
      3.   Failed to pay any applicable taxes or fees; or
      4.   Violated the laws of the state, the United States government, the ordinances of the city, or the rules and regulations of any Utah state or city agency governing operation of the business holding the license or permit.
   B.   The reason for denial shall be endorsed on the application by the license official, and the city recorder shall return to the applicant, via certified mail, return receipt requested, the application, notice of the applicant's rights to an appeal and any fees that are refundable. (Ord. 05-14, 4-6-2005)