Upon receipt of an application for a license or permit, where ordinances of the city require an inspection or investigation before the issuance of such permit or license, the license official or his authorized representative or such other agency, including the police department and the planning and zoning department as these ordinances specifically empower, shall make such investigation within five (5) business days after the time the application was received by the agency or department. However, when adequate investigation requires correspondence with agencies or other sources of information outside the city, or the license applicant is not ready to be inspected, such investigation shall be completed within fifteen (15) business days. The officer charged with the duty of making the investigation or inspection shall make a report thereon, favorable or otherwise, within five (5) business days after making the investigation or inspection. The Salt Lake Valley health department shall, for the protection of health, make or cause to be made, an inspection in regard to licenses in connection with the care and handling of food, the prevention of nuisances and the spread of disease. The fire department shall make or cause to be made inspections relating to the safety of buildings or other structures licensed hereunder. (Ord. 05-14, 4-6-2005)