A.   Each application for a license under this title shall be accompanied by the license fee required to be paid for the issuance of the license desired.
   B.   The license official may not, under any circumstances, waive the business license fees due the city for the current year or for prior years in which the business operated.
   C.   In addition to the license fee regularly assessed, any applicant which shall have commenced doing business prior to obtaining a valid license shall be assessed a penalty fee. The penalty fee shall be equal to twenty five percent (25%) of the regular license fee if the applicant has operated without a license for less than thirty (30) days, and shall be equal to one hundred percent (100%) of the regular license fee if the applicant has operated without a license for more than thirty (30) days during the fiscal year in question. The fee may be paid by cash or check made payable to the city or a certified cashier's check and conditioned upon the payment of the license fee to the city in the event of the issuance of the license. Any license which has been issued pursuant to payment by means of a check shall be void and of no force or effect if such check is not honored. Applications received by the license official shall be numbered in the order of their receipt. (Ord. 05-14, 4-6-2005)