14.32.030: NOTICE TO REPAIR:
   A.   Notice of needed repairs or defects in the public curbs, curb ramps, gutters and sidewalks shall be sent to the owner of the abutting property as shown on the records of the county recorder. Such notice shall specify the repairs needed or the defect and shall state a deadline for completing the repairs. A review of such deadline shall not be earlier than thirty (30) nor later than sixty (60) days after the date of the notice. The notice shall specifically instruct the property owner of his obligation under this chapter and of his opportunity for review.
   B.   If the abutting property is a residence, the owner may petition in writing, upon forms approved by the city, to pay fifty percent (50%) of the cost thereof in advance. If the petition is granted by the city council, the city council shall, subject to availability of funds, pay the remaining fifty percent (50%) of the cost of replacement. In such case, the city shall make the replacement or employ a contractor to make the same.
   C.   The city may propose the creation of a special improvement district to make the required repairs and to levy assessment on property in accordance with the Utah municipal improvement district act, Utah Code Annotated section 17A-3-301 et seq. The creation of improvement districts require notice to property owners, hearing, and opportunity for owners to protest. Districts may be defeated if a sufficient number of protests are filed, as defined by statute.
   D.   This section does not preclude the city from replacing defective sidewalks adjacent to private property, at its own expense, as it may otherwise deem appropriate. (Ord. 96-17, 6-19-1996)