A.   Purpose And Intent: Exterior lighting shall be used to provide illumination for the security and safety of entry drives, parking, service and loading areas, pathways, and park space, without intruding on adjacent properties. Site lighting shall be architecturally compatible and consistent in design throughout the development.
   B.   Fixture Design: Exterior light fixtures shall be compatible and relate to the architectural character of the buildings on a site. Site lighting shall be provided at the minimum level to accommodate safe pedestrian and vehicle movements, without causing any off-site glare.
      1.   Metal halide or other white light fixtures may be used. High- pressure sodium is prohibited in any application.
      2.   The maximum height of poles within landscaped and park areas is twenty feet (20'), measured from finished grade. Poles within these areas may be set on bases no more than eight inches (8") in height.
   C.   Decorative Architectural Lighting: Special lighting that accents building features and creates visual interest is permitted, provided that design continuity is maintained among buildings.
      1.   Neon tubing is not acceptable as a building accent or to accentuate the building's form.
      2.   Lighting fixtures mounted directly on structures may be allowed when utilized to enhance specific architectural elements or to help establish scale or provide visual interest.
      3.   "Wall pack lights" are not permitted.
      4.   Using lighting to highlight entrances, art, terraces, and special landscape features is highly recommended.
   D.   Pedestrian Area Lighting: Walkway lighting shall be scaled to the pedestrian to provide for safe use of pathways and pedestrian areas. Any walks, stairs, or ramps shall be lighted for the safe passage of pedestrians. The use of lighted bollards or other low level fixtures is strongly encouraged to identify pedestrian walkways.
   E.   Landscape Lighting: Landscape lighting which enhances and complements the landscape materials is permitted. Where landscape lighting is used, fixtures shall be concealed where possible (i.e., in trees, behind rocks or shrubs) to control glare.
   F.   Site Security Lighting: Security lighting may be necessary in some areas, but it may not negatively impact the site and building architecture or adjacent parcels. No light source (bulb) shall be directly visible from adjacent parcels. (Ord. 18-12, 4-18-2018)