(A) Visitors and family members are welcome to visit the graves of loved ones, keeping in mind the purpose of the area. Visitors are reminded that these grounds are sacredly devoted to the interment of the human dead and that strict observance of the decorum due such a place will be required by all.
(B) Conduct in cemetery. No person shall:
(1) Sit, lean or lounge on monuments, memorials, markers or statues or in anyway injure or deface any monument, stone or other structure, or property within the cemetery;
(2) Skate, skateboard, or ride dirt bikes on cemetery property;
(3) Treasure hunt or use metal detectors on cemetery property;
(4) Hunt on cemetery property;
(5) Consume alcoholic beverages on cemetery property;
(6) Discharge firearms in the cemetery except during burial services conducted by recognized military organizations or associations of the United States;
(7) Remove any flowers or memorials from a grave that they are not lawfully entitled to.
(C) Automobiles and other vehicles, when in operation within the cemetery, shall observe the following rules:
(1) Speed limit is ten miles per hour.
(2) Sounding of horns or other warning signals is prohibited.
(3) Vehicles shall drive on established drives only.
(4) Persons driving in the cemetery shall be responsible for any damage done by and to their vehicle.
(D) The town will perform the following duties, such as, but not limited to:
(1) Removal of floral arrangements when they become dirty or unsightly;
(2) All work reasonable to insure a good general appearance of the cemetery;
(3) Realigning and leveling of markers when necessary.
(Ord. passed - - ; Am. Ord. passed - - )