(A)   In addition to the tax on property, as otherwise provided for, and under the power and authority conferred in the laws of North Carolina, there shall be levied and collected annually, or more often, where provided for, a privilege license tax on trades, professions, agencies, business operations, exhibitions, circuses and all subjects authorized to be licensed.
   (B)   It shall be the duty of the Town Council to prepare and levy each year a schedule of license taxes on such trades and occupations as may be deemed necessary and not inconsistent with state law, and a permanent copy of the same shall be kept on file in the office of the Town Clerk throughout the current year. This permanent copy shall constitute the official license tax levy as of that year.
   (C)   Schedule of license taxes (privilege licenses) shall be included and charged accordingly by the most recently adopted “Schedule of Fees” for the town.
(Ord. passed - -)