(A)   Monuments.
      (1)   Location.
         (a)   Permanent reference monuments shall be located at each intersection of rights-of-way of street(s) constructed by the developer, at the beginning and ending of all street curves, and at exterior corners of the subdivision.
         (b)   With the approval of the Borough Engineer, the subdivider may install monuments on only one side of the street provided that enough monuments are set to permit a surveyor to stake out accurately any building lot shown on the record plan.
      (2)   Type. Reference monuments shall be constructed of steel reinforced portland cement concrete to the dimensions shown in the accompanying sketch or another detail accepted by the Borough Engineer.
      (3)   Placement. Reference monuments shall be placed so that the top of the monument is as shown in the accompanying sketch.
   (B)   Lot pins. All lot corner markers shall be permanently located and shall be at least a three-fourths- inch metal pin or pipe with a minimum length of 20 inches, located in the ground to existing grade.
(Ord. passed 2-3-1992)