(A)   Information and materials.
      (1)   All of the following information and materials listed in this section are required as part of all preliminary plans for:
         (a)   A land development of more than one principal nonresidential use or of more than three dwelling units; and
         (b)   For any major subdivision.
      (2)   This list of requirements shall serve both to:
         (a)   Establish the requirements; and
         (b)   As a checklist for the applicant and the borough to ensure completeness of submissions.
      (3)   The applicant shall submit completed photocopies of this section as part of the application.
   (B)   Required information. The required information listed in this section may be combined or separated onto different sheets, provided that the plans will be clearly readable.
   (C)   Preliminary plan for major subdivision or land development checklist.
Tatamy Borough
Preliminary Plan for Major Subdivision or Land Development**
Checklist and List of Submittal Requirements
Tatamy Borough
Preliminary Plan for Major Subdivision or Land Development**
Checklist and List of Submittal Requirements
Applicant’s Name:                                                          
Applicant’s Address:                                                      
Applicant’s Phone No.:                                                    
Applicant’s Signature:                                  Date:            
*Insert “NA” in the “Not Submitted” column if not applicable. Insert “W” in the “Not Submitted” column if a waiver is requested from the requirement
Not Submitted*
A.   General submission items. Note–the borough may require the applicant to file additional copies
   1.   Borough application/review fee(s)/escrow
   2.   Two copies of the completed application (see Appendix A)
   3.   Two copies of the preliminary plan checklist (using the photocopies of the pages in this section)
   4.   Ten print copies of the complete preliminary plans
   5.   Two print copies of only the layout plans
   6.   Three sets of supportive documents
   7.   A copy of a receipt from the JPC showing that the plan and review fees have been provided to them for their review
   8.   A copy of a receipt from the County Conservation District showing that the sedimentation and erosion control plan and review fees have been provided to them for their review if applicable
B.   Drafting requirements. All information shall be legibly and accurately presented
   1.   Plans prepared on a standard sized sheet (such as 18 in. x 24 in., 24 in. x 36 in., 30 in. x 42 in. or 36 in. x 48 in.)
   2.   Plans drawn to scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet or other scale pre-approved by the Borough Engineer or borough staff
   3.   All dimensions set in feet and decimal parts thereof, and bearings in degrees, minutes and seconds
   4.   Differentiation between existing and proposed features
   5.   Boundary line of the tract, shown as a heavy line
   6.   If layout plans involve two or more sheets, a map of the layout of the entire project at an appropriate scale on one sheet, and a key map showing how the sheets connect
   7.   If the tract(s) crosses a municipal boundary, a map showing both the portions in the borough and the other municipality, in sufficient detail for the borough to determine how the parts will interrelate
   8.   Required profiles shown at a scale of 1 inch equals 50 feet horizontal and 1 inch equals 5 feet vertical, or other scale pre- approved by the Borough Engineer
   9.   All sheets numbered and listed on one page
   10.   Words “preliminary plan” and sheet title (such as “layout plan”) on each sheet
C.   General information.
   1.   Name of project on each sheet
   2.   Name of landowner and developer, with addresses
   3.   Names of adjacent property owners, including those across adjacent streets and alleys
   4.   Approximate locations of lot lines, buildings, common open spaces, detention basins or drainage channels existing or approved. within 100 feet of the boundaries of the proposed project
   5.   Notarized owners statement (see Appendix C)
   6.   Surveyor and plan preparer’s statement (see Appendix C)
   7.   Approval/review signature blocks for: Borough Council; Borough Planning Commission; and Joint Planning Commission (see Appendix C)
   8.   Location map at a standard scale (preferably 1 inch equals 2,000 feet or 1 inch equals 800 feet) showing the location of the project in relation to the following features within 1,000 feet of the boundaries of the tract: existing and proposed streets; waterways; zoning district boundaries; and municipal boundaries
   9.   North arrow, graphic scale, written scale
   10.   Date of plan and all subsequent revision dates (especially noting if is revision of a previously approved plan) with space for future revision dates
   11.   Deed book volume and page number from county records
   12.   Tax map number and block and lot for the tract being subdivided
D.   Natural features.
   1.   Existing contour lines shown at the same scale as the layout plan as follows:
      a.   Shall be based on a field survey or photogrametric procedure that was completed at a scale of 1 inch equals 100 feet or larger; contours shall be based upon USGS datum
      b.   The contour interval shall be sufficient to determine compliance with borough ordinances; an interval of 2 feet for slopes of less than 15% and 5 feet for slopes of 15% or greater is generally recommended
      c.   Note–contours are not required to be shown within areas of lots of 10 acres or more that are clearly not intended to be altered as a result of this proposed subdivision or land development
   2.   Identification of any slopes of 15 to 25%, and greater than 25% (by method such as shading)
   3.   Areas with hydric soils (see county soil survey), with a notation that there are none if that is the case
   4.   Watercourses (with any name), natural springs, lakes and wetlands; detailed delineations of wetlands are not required if there is clearly no alteration proposed of any areas that could be reasonably suspected of being wetlands; note: any wetlands shall be delineated by a qualified professional prior to preliminary plan approval, however the applicant is not required to have received all required federal and state permits prior to preliminary plan approval
   5.   Rock outcrops, stone fields and sinkholes
   6.   Location of any areas within the 100-year floodplain (with differentiation between floodway and floodfringe if available from official federal floodplain maps)
   7.   Locations and names of all soil types, with identification according to the county soil survey or more detailed professional study of those that are alluvial, have a depth to bedrock of less than 3 feet or a seasonally high water table of less than 3 feet
E.   Human-made features.
   1.   Existing and proposed lot lines
      a.   The boundaries of lots (other than a residual lot of at least 10 acres) shall be determined by accurate field survey, closed with an error not to exceed 1 in 10,000 and balanced
      b.   The boundaries of any residual tract which is greater than 10 acres may be determined by deed
   2.   Location of existing monuments
   3.   Sufficient bearings, lengths of lines, radii, arc lengths, street widths, right-of-way and easement widths of all lots, streets, rights-of-way, easements and community or public areas to accurately and completely reproduce each and every course on the ground
   4.   Buildings estimated to be 80 years or older that would be adversely impacted by the project, with name and description
   5.   Existing and proposed utility easements and restrictive covenants and easements for purposes which might affect development, and stating which easements and rights-of-way proposed for dedication to the borough
   6.   Existing building locations and land uses
   7.   Overhead electrical high-voltage lines and rights-of- way/easements
   8.   Any other significant human-made features
F.   Zoning requirements.
   1.   Applicable zoning district and required minimum lot area
   2.   Minimum setback requirements shown for each lot
   3.   Area and location of any proposed common open space
   4.   If any common open space proposed: method of ownership and entity proposed to be responsible for maintenance
   5.   If any common open space proposed: description of intended purposes; proposed improvements (such as rough grading); and any proposed recreation facilities
   6.   Statement of type of water and sewer service proposed (such as “municipal water and municipal sewer”)
   7.   Linear feet of proposed streets
   8.   Required and proposed building coverage and impervious coverage (may be stated as “typical proposed” for single- family detached or twin homes)
G.   Proposed layout.
   1.   Total acreage of site; total proposed number of lots and dwelling units
   2.   Identification number for each lot
   3.   Lot width (at minimum building setback line) and lot area for each lot and dimensions of each lot in feet
   4.   Existing rights-of-way and cartway widths and locations of existing streets, including existing streets within 100 feet of boundaries of tract
   5.   Proposed rights-of-way and cartway widths and locations of existing and proposed streets, including streets proposed as part of other projects within 100 feet of the boundaries of tract
   6.   Street centerline information, with horizontal curve data, bearings, distances and stations corresponding to the profile
   7.   Right-of-way and curb lines with horizontal curve radii at intersections
   8.   Beginning and end of proposed street construction
   9.   Street improvements proposed by the applicant, including any acceleration/ deceleration lanes, traffic signal, street realignment or construction improvement
   10.   Any proposed curbing (place NA in “Not Submitted” column if not proposed)
   11.   Any proposed sidewalks (place NA in “Not Submitted” column if not proposed), with any proposed handicapped ramps at intersections
   12.   Any proposed bicycle paths (place NA in “Not Submitted” column if not proposed)
   13.   Names of existing streets and initial proposed names of new streets (or identification as “Street A” and the like)
   14.   Designation of streets proposed to be dedicated to the borough or to remain private.
H.   Utility plan
   1.   As applicable, the following existing and proposed items for each lot, using the following symbols (or other pre-approved by the borough staff):
   Well (if not connected to central water system)-with required separation distance shown from septic drain fields, and with dimensions from lot lines
   Primary drain field (with dimensions from lot lines)
   Secondary drain field
   Soil probe location
   Percolation test location
   2.   If on-lot sewage disposal systems are proposed:
      a.   Proposed contour lines on same sheet as utility layout
      b.   Location of existing and proposed wells within 100 feet of the boundaries of the project
      c.   Proposed or typical location of dwelling/building
      d.   Locations of soils with a seasonally high water table averaging less than 3 feet (see county soil survey)
   3.   If a central sewage system is proposed:
      a.   Proposed contour lines on same sheet as utility layout
      b.   Location and size of lines and laterals, with locations corresponding to stations on the profile
      c.   Locations of manholes, with invert elevation of flow line and grade at top of each manhole
      d.   Proposed lot lines and any proposed easements or rights-of-way needed for the utilities
      e.   Location of all other drainage facilities and public utilities in the vicinity of sanitary sewer lines
      f.   Distance noted that sanitary sewer connections that will be needed to reach existing lines (if not already abutting the tract)
      g.   Manhole numbers assigned by the borough municipal authority
      h.   Separation distances from water lines and locations of concrete encasements
   4.   If central water service is proposed:
      a.   Location and size of existing and proposed waterlines
      b.   Existing and proposed fire hydrant locations
      c.   Distance noted that water lines will have to be extended to reach existing lines (if not already abutting the tract)
   5.   Any existing and proposed underground natural gas, electrical, telephone, cable TV or other utility lines, with any easements shown that will affect development
   6.   List of contacts for underground utilities in the area, with phone numbers stated on the grading plans (as required by Act 172, 73 P.S. § 176)
I.   Grading and stormwater management plan.
   1.   Existing and proposed storm drainage facilities or structures, including approximate size of detention basins and locations of swales and drainage pipes
   2.   Pre-development and post-development watershed areas for each detention basin or major drainage channel
   3.   Locations of any proposed or existing stormwater easements
   4.   Intended design year standards for culverts, bridge structures and/or other stormwater facilities
   5.   Schematic location of all underground utilities
   6.   Note stating entity responsible to perpetually maintain/own any detention basin
   7.   Existing contour lines (see description under “Natural Features”) and proposed contour lines as on grading plan
J.   For uses other than single-family detached or twin dwellings.
   1.   For townhouses or apartments, evidence that the project meets the density requirements of the zoning ordinance (as adopted by reference in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances)
   2.   Evidence that the project will meet the off-street parking requirements of the zoning ordinance (as adopted by reference in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances)
   3.   Building identification numbers (if more than one building per lot)
   4.   Arrangement of off-street parking spaces, parking aisles, paved areas and off-street loading areas
   5.   For townhouses, any proposed methods to ensure privacy between outdoor semi-private areas (such as fences between rear yards)
   6.   Illustrative sketches of proposed buildings (encouraged but not required)
   7.   Number, sign area, height and location of proposed signs
   8.   Proposed building locations and land uses (if known)
   9.   Major types and locations of outdoor lighting
   10.   Location of any proposed outdoor storage areas
   11.   Square feet of paved area, including gravel areas
K.   Landscape plan.
   1.   Locations of treelines and existing forested areas
   2.   Locations of individual mature trees of greater than 6 inches trunk diameter measured at a height of 3 feet above the surrounding average ground level, other than trees within forested areas and treelines
   3.   Any proposed evergreen screening, buffer yards or earthen berming (if required by zoning ordinance (as adopted by reference in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances))
   4.   Areas of existing mature woods that are proposed to be protected and preserved or removed
   5.   General types, sizes and locations of any required street trees (see § 154.172), paved area landscaping (see borough zoning ordinance, as adopted by reference in Chapter 155 of this code of ordinances) and any other major proposed landscaping
   6.   Any proposed fencing (including height and type) and/or landscaping around stormwater basins (see § 154.162)
L.   Erosion and sedimentation plan. (if earth disturbance will be involved)
   1.   Drawings showing locations and types of proposed measures, complying with the regulations and standards of the County Conservation District and DEP
   2.   Narrative describing proposed soil erosion and sedimentation control methods
   3.   Construction sequence
   4.   Details of sedimentation and erosion control facilities
M.   Road profiles.
   1.   Profile of existing and proposed ground surface along centerline of street
   2.   Proposed centerline grade with percent on tangents and elevations at 50 feet intervals
   3.   All vertical curve data including length, elevations and minimum sight distance as required by §§ 154.155 through 154.174
   4.   Proposed utilities
N.   Water main, sanitary sewer and storm drain profiles.
   1.   Profile of proposed ground surface with elevations at top of manholes or inlets
   2.   Profile of water main, storm sewer and sanitary sewer lines, with stationing
   3.   All line crossings of other utilities
O.   Supporting documents and additional information.
   1.   Residual lands sketch: if the submitted plans do not include all undeveloped or underdeveloped adjacent or abutting lands owned by the same landowner or under control of the same developer (or closely related corporations), then a sketch shall be submitted at an appropriate scale, on one sheet, covering all such land holdings together with a sketch of a reasonable future street system to demonstrate that the proposed subdivision provides for the orderly development of any residual lands and/or does not adversely affect the potential development of residual lands
   2.   If applicable, two copies of the DEP sewage planning module application as completed by the applicant, together with evidence that the application has been forwarded by the applicant to the required review agencies. Approval of such planning module shall be a condition of preliminary approval under this chapter
   3.   If central water service is proposed by an existing water company or authority, the applicant shall provide a letter from such water company or authority which states that the company or authority expects to be able to adequately serve the development, that the proposed water system is generally acceptable and that references any conditions or specifications required by the company or authority for the provision of services
   4.   If service is proposed by an existing sewage authority, the developer shall submit a copy of a letter from the authority which states that the company or authority can adequately serve the subdivision, that the proposed sanitary sewage system is generally acceptable and that references any conditions or specifications required by the company or authority for the provision of services
   5.   If service is proposed by a sewage disposal system other than one operated by an existing sewage authority, the developer shall provide sufficient information to show that the proposed system would be reasonably feasible, within DEP regulations, and that an acceptable system would be put into place for the operation and maintenance of the system
   6.   If access is proposed to a state highway:
      a.   A copy of any information submitted to PennDOT and any correspondence from PennDOT regarding the proposed access to state roads (this requirement applies throughout the entire approval process); and
      b.   Evidence that the proposed access will meet PennDOT sight distance requirements (to avoid the need for redesign of the development if the access on the approved preliminary plan would not meet the sight distance requirements)
      Granting of a required highway occupancy permit for vehicle access is required as a condition of any preliminary approval under this chapter
   7.   If the project would involve any activity within the 100- year floodplain or immediately adjacent to any creek, a written statement from the Zoning Officer indicating that the proposed subdivision/land development would be in compliance with the borough floodplain regulations
   8.   A statement shall describe the general nature of the landowner’s and the developer’s involvement in the proposed development, and the names of the primary partners or chief officers of any corporate developer
   9.   Notation stating method of ensuring maintenance of any private street
   10.   List of any modifications or waivers requested to this chapter (see § 154.007)
   11.   Copies of the decisions of any zoning variances that are relevant to the proposal
   12.   For industrial operations or industrial storage: a written description of any proposed operations or storage operations in sufficient detail to indicate:
      a.   Any noise, glare, smoke and fumes nuisances;
      b.   To allow a general determination of possible fire or other hazards from the use of highly toxic or hazardous substances or other public health or safety hazards; and
      c.   To estimate the amount, direction and times of tractor-trailer truck traffic that is expected
   13.   If to be served by on-lot septic service, a copy of septic percolation test and soil probe results
   14.   Stormwater management calculations–relating to facilities appearing on the grading and storm drainage plan and the erosion and sedimentation plan, for review by the Borough Engineer (see § 154.008)
P.   Additional information. The Planning Commission or Borough Council may require the submission of such reasonable additional information that is necessary to determine compliance with specific provisions of borough ordinances
Q.   Carbonate/sinkhole regulation requirements.
   1.   Four copies of the carbonate ordinance assessment report
   2.   A plan indicating the existing and proposed private and public sewage disposal systems and the location of existing private and public water supplies on adjoining properties
   3.   Type, location and phasing of proposed disturbances and construction, as well as, proposed future ownership and maintenance of the property and the proposed improvements
   4.   Plans describing the design of the proposed stormwater management facilities proposed for the project.
**   Land developments involving only a single nonresidential principal use or a maximum of three dwelling units are only required to submit a final plan (see §§ 154.090 through 154.093)
(Ord. passed 2-3-1992; Ord. 214, passed 2-7-2005)