The following fees shall apply to all yard sales, to wit.
   (A)   There shall be no fee for the first permit issued to a residential property within any calendar year.
   (B)   The fee for the second and third permit issued to a residential property within the same calendar year as the first permit shall be set annually by Borough Council on its fee schedule.
   (C)   If a yard sale is not held on the dates for which the permit is issued or is terminated during the first date of the sale because of inclement weather conditions, the borough shall issue another permit to the applicant for a yard sale to be conducted at the same location within 30 days from the date when the first sale was to be held. No additional permit fee is required.
   (D)   All permit fees shall be paid to the Borough Secretary/Treasurer prior to issuance of the permit.
   (E)   Any nonprofit service organization or charitable organization may obtain up to two yard sale permits in any calendar year without payment of fee.
   (F)   Should the borough declare a borough wide yard sale, it shall not count towards the three permit sales. Further, there will be no permit charge for a borough wide yard sale.
(Ord. 264-2014, passed 9-2-2014)