(A)   Most residents are probably familiar with those parks that are nearest their homes or that are visible from major streets. Some residents may not be familiar with the opportunities at smaller, less visible and newer parks. Facilities and programs are of little value if the public is not aware of the offerings. Therefore, a good communications program will be essential.
   (B)   To increase public awareness, information should continue to be put into the borough newsletter, in email updates, on the website and Facebook page, and supplements added to refuse and sewer billings. This information does list the locations of recreation areas and the facilities that are available at each area. This should be intended to be kept by families for reference. Also, the newsletter and website should include lists of major recreation programs being offered by local organizations.
   (C)   In addition, recreation programs should be publicized through radio, newspaper articles, newspaper ads and flyers through the schools. Press releases should routinely be sent to area newspapers to announce new facilities and programs. Small posters can be placed in key locations, such as the Municipal Building and local stores.
   (D)   The borough could develop a strong public image for its parks, open space and recreation program by using an attractive logo on all recreation notices, letterhead and signs. A contest might be sponsored to spur further interest in the programs. Creating a partnership with school programs would allow for education about these programs, as well as civic responsibility. Good communication involves not only informing the public, but also listening to their recommendations, concerns and suggestions.
(Ord. passed 8-3-2015)