(A)   Fees to be added to the unpaid claims. The borough hereby approves the following fee schedule for the collection of the unpaid claims, which fees shall be added to the unpaid claims:
      (1)   Legal fees.
Initial review and sending first legal demand letter
File lien and prepare satisfaction
Prepare Writ of Scire Facias
Prepare and mail letter under Pa. R.C.P. 237.1
Prepare default judgment
Research, prepare and obtain re-issued writ
Prepare praecipe to amend
Prepare motion to amend
Present motion to amend
Obtain vehicle identification number (VIN) for mobile home
Prepare motion for alternate service
Present motion for alternate service
Prepare motion to consolidate claims
Present motion to consolidate claims
Prepare motion to add United States as defendant
Present motion to add United States as defendant
Prepare writ of execution
Attendance at sale; review schedule of distribution and resolve distribution issues
Prepare motion to continue Sheriff sale
Present motion to continue Sheriff sale
Prepare petition for free and clear sale
Present petition for free and clear sale
Services not covered above
At an hourly rate between $75-$275 per hour
      (2)   Collection fees.
Notice of delinquent claim and fee shifting
$40 per notice, plus applicable postage
Validation notice
$25 per notice
Bookkeeping fee for payment plan of 3 months or less
Bookkeeping fee for payment plan of more than 3 months
Handling fee for returned check
   (B)   Costs to be added to the unpaid claims. In addition to the fees set forth in division (A) above, the reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket charges, costs, expenses, commissions and fees incurred in the collection of the unpaid claims, including, but not limited to, postage, title searches, VIN searches, prothonotary fees and charges, and Sheriff fees and charges, shall be added to the unpaid claims.
   (C)   Credit card and debit card charges. The borough authorizes any attorney or private collector collecting the unpaid claims to accept payment of the unpaid claims by credit card or debit card. When payment is made by credit card or debit card, any fees charged by the credit card company, debit card company, credit card servicing agent, or debit card servicing agent shall be charged immediately to the credit card or debit card used to make payment. This applies to credit card or debit card payments made by mail, telephone, over the internet, or in person.
   (D)   Interest. Interest will be assessed upon the unpaid claims at a rate of 10% per annum and added to the unpaid claims.
   (E)   Collection procedures. The following collection procedures are hereby established in accordance with the Act:
      (1)   At least 30 days prior to assessing or imposing attorney fees in connection with the collection of an unpaid claim account, the borough or its designee shall mail or cause to be mailed, by certified mail, return receipt requested, a notice of such intention to the property owner or other entity liable for the account (collectively, the "property owner").
      (2)   If the certified mail notice is undelivered, then, at least ten days prior to assessing or imposing such attorney fees, the borough or its designee shall mail or cause to be mailed, by first class mail, a second notice to the property owner.
      (3)   All notices required by this section shall be mailed to the properly owner's last known post office address as recorded in the records or other information of the borough or such other address obtained by the borough from the county tax assessment office.
      (4)   Each notice as described above shall include the following:
         (a)   The type of tax, municipal claim or other charge, the year that it became due and the amount owed, including penalty and interest;
         (b)   A statement of the borough's intent to impose or assess attorney fees no earlier than 30 days after receipt of the first notice, or no earlier than ten days after receipt of the second notice;
         (c)   The manner in which the imposition or assessment of attorney fees may be avoided by payment of the account; and
         (d)   The place of payment for accounts and the name and telephone number of the borough's representative designated as responsible for collection matters.
   (F)   Related action. The proper officials of the borough are hereby authorized and empowered to take such additional action as they may deem necessary or appropriate to implement this section.
   (G)   Appointment of solicitor. The Borough appoints Michelle R. Potinoff, Esquire, as Solicitor for the limited purpose of collecting the unpaid claims and hereby authorizes her, and all attorneys employed by Portnoff Law Associates, Ltd., to sign any and all documents, including municipal claims and liens, on behalf of the borough.
(Ord. 290-2022, passed 6-6-2022)