All permits required to be secured by this chapter shall be secured from the Building Department of the City in the following manner:
   (a)   Written application shall be made signed by the person securing such permit.
   (b)   Such application shall be made by every person engaged in the activity defined as peddler or itinerant vendor.
   (c)   Such application shall include the following information:
      (1)   The name, permanent address and birth date of the applicant.
      (2)   The height, weight, color of eyes and hair of the applicant.
      (3)   A picture of such applicant satisfactory to the Building Inspector or consent to have the City make the same.
      (4)   Whether self-employed or name and address of employer or organization for whom he acts.
      (5)   Social Security number.
      (6)   Whether applicant has ever been convicted of any crime, and if so the nature of such crime and location of conviction.
      (7)   Driver's license number and state of issuance.
      (8)   Make, model, year and current registration number of all vehicles used by applicant.
      (9)   Location from which such peddler or itinerant vendor shall operate; and written consent of the owner or lessee.
      (10)   Description of goods, wares, merchandise or services which shall be offered or solicited.
   (d)   Payment of fees in the sum of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) at the time of making application. Such sum is deemed to be the reasonable cost of processing such application and shall be retained whether a permit is issued or refused.
      (Ord. 119-2006. Passed 9-28-06.)