(a)   The City shall have a Recreation Commission to operate a quarry for swimming, a dance pavilion and other recreational facilities leased from the County of Lucas, Ohio, by the City or owned by the City, including any and all activities that may be incidental to, or compatible with, the operation of such a quarry for swimming, a dance pavilion and other recreational facilities. The Commission shall be known as the Centennial Terrace Recreation Commission.
   (b)   The Commission shall have the power and authority and responsibility to operate the entire Centennial Terrace facility leased by the City from Lucas County by lease dated June 1, 1993, as well as such other recreational facilities owned by or leased by the City or may contract with other entities for such operation or any part thereof or may delegate the responsibility of such operation or any part thereof to another entity or entities.
(Ord. 71-94. Passed 6-20-94.)