(a)    Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the City shall provide for the defense of a member of a commission or board in any civil action or proceeding to recover damages for injury, death or loss to persons or property allegedly caused by an act or omission of the member in connection with the performance of his official responsibilities, if the act or omission occurred or is alleged to have occurred while the member was acting in good faith and within the scope of his official responsibilities. Amounts expended by the City in the defense of a commission or board member shall be from funds appropriated for this purpose or from proceeds of insurance. The duty to provide for the defense of a commission or board member specified in this subsection does not apply in a civil action or proceeding that is commenced by or on behalf of the City.
   (b)    Except as otherwise provided in this subsection, the City shall indemnify and hold harmless a member of a commission or board in the amount of any judgment, other than a judgment for punitive or exemplary damages, that is obtained against a member of a commission or board in a State or federal court or as a result of a law of a foreign jurisdiction and that is for damages for injury, death or loss to persons or property caused by an act or omission in connection with a governmental or proprietary function as defined in Ohio R.C. 2744.01 if, at the time of the act or omission the member of the commission or board was acting in good faith and within the scope of his official responsibilities.
(Ord. 67-87. Passed 7-8-87.)