(a)   Not less than seven calendar days before the Mayor and Director of Finance present the tax budget provided for under Ohio R.C. 5705.29 and 5705.30 to Council they shall hold at least one public hearing at which citizens shall have the opportunity to provide written and oral comment on the proposed uses of General Revenue Sharing Subtitle A funds under P.L. 94-488, and the Clerk of Council shall, at least ten days prior to the date on which such public hearing is scheduled, give notice to the public of the time, place, subject and right to present oral and written comments at such hearing, which notice shall be published in at least one newspaper of general circulation in the City.
   (b)   Prior to adoption, the tax budget shall have at least one public hearing before Council in accordance with Ohio R.C. 5705.30, which public hearing shall include consideration of the proposed use of funds including Subtitle A funds under P.L. 94-488 in relation to the entire proposed tax budget being considered for adoption.
   (c)   At least ten days prior to such public hearing on the tax budget, Council shall make available to the public for inspection at the office of the Director such proposed tax budget and shall cause a notice to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City advising the public of such availability, the date, time and place of such public hearing, the fact that the public may provide written and oral comment and ask questions concerning the entire tax budget and the relationship of revenue sharing entitlement funds to the entire tax budget. (Ord. 3-78. Passed 1-16-78.)