The Clerk of Council, whose position is hereby created, effective on and after June 16, 1986, shall be the head of the Division of Clerk of Council under the supervision of the Director of Finance. He shall be appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council. He shall attend all meetings of Council, prepare and distribute agendas therefor and keep a record of Council’s proceedings in a journal as prescribed in Section 6.0, Article III of the Charter. He shall keep and have custody of the records of all ordinances, resolutions, rules, regulations and bylaws adopted by Council and of its proceedings, and such records shall be available for public inspection. He shall cause to be published all ordinances, resolutions, notices, statements, rules, proclamations and reports required by the Charter, the applicable laws of Ohio or legislation enacted by Council to be published. He shall also keep and have custody of all other rules and notices which he is required by Charter, ordinance or resolution to publish. He shall authenticate all of the same of which he has custody, authentication of which is necessary or proper. On and after June 16, 1986, he shall attest all ordinances and resolutions adopted by Council as was required of the Clerk-Auditor by Charter, Article IV, Section 6.0(b). On and after June 16, 1986, he shall receive from the Mayor delivery of ordinances and resolutions not approved by the Mayor, as was required of the Clerk-Auditor by Charter, Article IV, Section 6.0(b). The Clerk of Council shall also perform those additional duties as may be assigned to him by the Director of Finance or the Treasurer. Any and all documents, notices and writings of any kind or description filed or required to be filed in the office of the Clerk of Council or with the Clerk of Council shall when filed in the office of the Director of Finance or with the Director of Finance, be deemed to have been filed in the office of the Clerk of Council and with the Clerk of Council. Any and all documents, notices and writings of any kind or description filed or required to be filed in the office of the Director of Finance or with the Director of Finance shall, when filed in the office of the Clerk of Council or with the Clerk of Council, be deemed to have been filed in the office of the Director of Finance or with the Director of Finance.
(Ord. 42-87. Passed 4-20-87.)