The Chief of the Division of Police, to be called the Chief of Police, shall, under the Director of Public Safety, have exclusive control of the stationing and transfer of all police officers and other officers and employees constituting the police force, under such rules and regulations as the Director may promulgate from time to time. The Chief of Police shall have a police secretary whose duties he shall assign within the Division. The police force shall be composed of a Chief of the Division of Police; two captains, who shall be directed by and answerable to the Chief; seven sergeants, who shall be answerable to and assigned by the Chief; twenty-five police officers and/or cadets, who shall be answerable to and assigned duties by the Chief of Police; two full-time Police Division Clerks and one full-time Police Division Clerk II, all of whom shall be answerable to and assigned duties by the Chief of Police; and such additional personnel, both full-time and part-time as Council shall hereafter authorize. The Chief of Police may set up, combine and/or abolish and assign or reassign any member of the police force to, or withdraw therefrom, any of the following sections: Office of Community Affairs; Detective Bureau; Court Officer; Property and Evidence Room; Road Patrol. In the event of an emergency, the Mayor may appoint additional police officers and other officers for temporary service during the emergency.
(Ord. 31-2023. Passed 3-6-23.)