The City shall have a Civil Service Commission, a Municipal Planning Commission, and a Board of Health. The Council may establish by ordinance such other commissions or boards as it may deem necessary for the proper administration or trusteeship of any public function, property or fund or for any proper municipal purpose.
(a) Composition and Term. The Civil Service Commission shall consist of three (3) electors of the City, not holding other municipal office, appointed by the Mayor, subject to confirmation by a majority of the members of Council, for a term of six (6) years, except that of the three (3) first appointed, one (1) shall be appointed for a term of two (2) years, one (1) for a term of four (4) years and one (1) for a term of six (6) years. A vacancy occurring during the term of any member of such Commission shall be filled for the unexpired term in the manner provided for an original appointment.
(b) Powers and Duties. The Civil Service Commission shall provide by rule for the ascertainment of merit and fitness as the basis for appointment and promotion of all employees in the classified service of the City as required by the Constitution of the State of Ohio, and for appeals from the action of the Mayor in cases of transfer, suspension, reduction or removal of such employees. To the extent legally permissible, the action of the Commission on any such appeal shall be final.
(c) Interim Provisions. Until adoption of rules by the Commission, the provisions made by this Charter and ordinances of the Council enacted pursuant thereto shall govern such appointments, transfers, suspensions, reductions and removals.