All requirements set forth in the Ohio EPA NPDES General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activities, as occasionally revised by the Ohio EPA, apply as the applicable standard for construction site storm water control and post-construction storm water management in new development and redevelopment.
(a) Before any construction, new development, or redevelopment may take place in the City, the proposed operators (as defined by the OEPA NPDES General Storm Water Permit for Construction Activities) shall provide to the City’s Department of Public Service a copy of the operator’s Notice of Intent (NOI) and Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).
(b) As part of the overall process of issuing permits and approving planned development, redevelopment, and construction, the City shall review the NOI and SWP3 to ensure compliance with all applicable storm water control and management provisions, and failure to comply with such provisions may lead to denial of permits and approvals as well as any other legal or equitable remedy available to the City under this chapter or any other local, state or federal law.
(Ord. 36-2015. Passed 5-18-15.)