(a)   Composition. The Limited Special Flood Hazard District shall include all those lands identified as unnumbered A Zones on the Flood Insurance Rate Map except those areas identified as floodway and floodway fringe and delineated as such on the Flood Insurance Rate Map.
   (b)   Use Standards.
      (1)   The provisions of this section shall apply to any designated flood hazard area not specifically included within either a Floodway District or a Floodway Fringe District and which has been assigned an unnumbered A Zone flood risk on the Flood Insurance Rate Map.
         A.    A-1 through A-30;
         B.    A; or
         C.    AO.
      (2)   That floodway necessary to convey the base flood run-off for any small watercourse or drainage ditch in this District may be officially designated as LSD-floodway by the Flood Plain Administrator.
   (c)   Special Criteria for Flood Plain Development Permit.
      (1)   The Administrator shall determine the flooding threat at the specific site of the proposed use.
      (2)   The Administrator shall determine the impact upon the base flood water surface level, and the effects therefrom, on both existing and probable future developments along the full extent of the ditch or watercourse.
      (3)   The Administrator may require that the applicant submit detailed calculations made by a qualified professional engineer, registered in the State of Ohio, to assist in the determinations required by paragraphs (1) and (2) hereof.
      (4)   The Administrator shall evaluate the effects of the proposed use upon the public health, safety and general welfare in light of the purposes of this Chapter and the standards established herein.
   (d)   Standards for LSD Floodway.
      (1)   The Administrator shall set the base flood water surface elevation for each reach or interval of 1,000 feet along the ditch or watercourse. Where base flood water surface elevations have already been determined and published by an official agency of the State or the United States government, the Administrator shall set the base flood water surface elevations as so determined and published.
      (2)   Unless already determined and published by an official agency of the State or the United States government, the Administrator shall set the base flood water surface elevations at such elevations as to offer minimum flooding risk to both existing or reasonably anticipated development.
      (3)   The Administrator shall compute the floodway cross-section required to convey the base flood without exceeding the designated base flood water surface elevation for each reach or interval.
      (4)   The computed floodway shall be transferred to an appropriate large scale map having a contour interval not exceeding two feet. Specific boundaries shall be set on either side of the ditch or watercourse based upon the profile of the existing channel and flood plains. That land lying between the two boundaries shall constitute an LSD floodway and shall be so designated on the Official Zoning Map.
      (5)   All provisions set forth in Section 1149.11, Floodway District, shall apply to any lands designated as LSD floodway.
   (e)   Other Lands Within the Limited Special Flood Hazard District.
      (1)   Any lands lying within the Limited Special Flood Hazard District but not included in an LSD floodway as herein defined, shall be treated in the same manner as lands lying within a Floodway Fringe District, and the provisions of Section 1149.12 shall apply. The Administrator shall set a base flood water surface elevation where necessary.
      (2)   On any land designated as AO on the Flood Insurance Rate Map (FIRM), all new construction or substantial improvements to either residential or nonresidential structures shall have the lowest floor, including basement floor, elevated above the crown of the nearest street to, or above, the depth number specified on the FIRM. Attendant utility and sanitary facilities shall be installed at or above the same minimum elevation, or completely floodproofed as required under other sections of this Chapter.