All Site Plans shall be reviewed on the basis of uniform criteria that advance the principals of good site design to provide safe vehicular access and pedestrian movement. Site plans shall also be reviewed on the basis of achieving site designs that will promote a healthy natural and built environment for residents and will advance principles defined in applicable community planning documents and this Zoning Code. Specific approval criteria include the following:
(a) The Site Plan shall show (consistent with the findings of a Traffic Impact Study if included) that a proper relationship will exist between thoroughfares, service roads, driveways, sidewalks, bike lanes and parking areas to encourage pedestrian, bicyclist and vehicular traffic safety on both public and private lands.
(b) All development features, including the principal buildings, open spaces, service roads, driveways and parking areas, shall be so located and related as to minimize the possibility of adverse effects upon adjacent development.
(c) Building location and placement shall be developed with consideration given to minimizing removal of large trees (in accordance with change of topography).
(d) Visual and auditory privacy for surrounding properties and occupants shall be provided through the design of the relationship among buildings, fences and walls, landscaping, topography, and open space.
(e) Parking area landscaping and screening shall channel traffic flow in a safe manner, and on-site traffic circulation shall be designed to provide adequate access for fire and police protection, and minimize interference with the traffic carrying capacity of adjacent streets.
(f) Refuse storage and pick-up facilities shall be indicated on the Site Plan and shall be fenced, screened, or landscaped to prevent blowing or scattering of refuse, and to provide an adequate visual barrier from locations both on- and off-site.
(g) All utilities on-site shall be located underground.
(h) Grading and surface drainage provisions shall be designed to minimize adverse effects on abutting properties, streams, and public streets, and to minimize the possibility of erosion in a manner consistent with the requirements of a Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan (SWP3).
(i) The design and construction standards of all private roads, driveways, and parking areas, shall conform to the provisions of this Zoning Code and/or as may be recommended through engineering review. All private streets, driveways, and parking areas are to be of a useable shape and improved with asphalt, concrete, or other durable and dustless pavement or surface.
(j) The design of the site and physical structures advances applicable community planning principles expressed in the Sylvania Land Use Plan and any area or neighborhood-specific planning documents.