   (a)    There is levied and assessed upon each lot, parcel of land, building or premises having any sewer connection with the sanitary sewer system of the City or otherwise discharging sewage, industrial wastes, water or other liquids either directly or indirectly to the City sewer system, a charge which shall be proportional to the services provided and shall be in accordance with the regulations of the EPA. Charges shall cover the cost of operation, maintenance, replacement, and capital costs, bond and interest redemption and other authorized expenditures.
      (1)   The user charges shall result in the distribution of operation, maintenance and replacement costs of the treatment works within the jurisdiction of the City to each user in proportion to such user’s contributions to the total wastewater loading of the treatment works. Factors such as strength, volume and delivery flow rate characteristics shall be included to ensure a proportional distribution of the costs.
      (2)   The charges shall be reviewed annually and revised periodically as required.
      (3)   The charges shall derive revenue sufficient to meet all costs of operation, maintenance and replacement of the system.
   (b)   The Director may establish additional classes as determined to be necessary.
(Ord. 17-94. Passed 2-7-94; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
   (c)   (1)   Industrial Users. User and capital charges for wastewater treatment service shall be paid by each industrial user connected to the system and shall be computed in accordance with the quantity of water discharged to the system as measured by the City water meter installed thereon or by a sewage meter installed on the discharge pipe therefrom. Charges shall be paid monthly and/or quarterly as follows:
Capital Charge
User Charge
City Users
$2.15/1000 gallons
$3.41/1000 gallons
$5.56/1000 gallons
Non-City User
$2.69/1000 gallons
$4.26/1000 gallons
$6.95/1000 gallons
Out-of-State User
$3.44/1000 gallons
$5.46/1000 gallons
$8.90/1000 gallons
      (2)   Nonindustrial Users. User and capital charges for wastewater treatment services shall be paid by each nonindustrial user connected to the system and shall be computed in accordance with the quantity of water used on such premises as measured by the City water meter installed thereon, or if there is no such water meter, then as estimated by the City. Charges shall be paid monthly and/or quarterly as follows:
Capital Charge
User Charge
City Users
$2.15/1000 gallons
$3.41/1000 gallons
$5.56/1000 gallons
Non-City User
$2.69/1000 gallons
$4.26/1000 gallons
$6.95/1000 gallons
Out-of-State User
$3.44/1000 gallons
$5.46/1000 gallons
$8.90/1000 gallons
(Ord. 98-2023. Passed 12-18-23.)
   (d)   When a considerable amount of water delivered to any premises is not returned to the City’s sewage disposal system, the Director in such case may establish a special basis upon which the sewage disposal charges to such premises will be computed, or upon a determination by either the Director or the customer that the use of direct metering of sanitary sewage flow is necessary or is a more equitable method of determining sewage disposal charges, the Director may order the installation of sanitary sewage meters at the expense of the user.
(Ord. 17-94. Passed 2-7-94.)
   (e)   Administrative Billing Charge. As there are several hundred sewer customers who receive their bills from the City of Toledo, and the City of Sylvania is billed $5.97 for each bill that is sent by the City of Toledo, an Administrative Billing Charge of $1.99 per month will be added to the bills of all Sylvania Sanitary Sewer District Customers who are billed for these services by the City of Toledo.
(Ord. 10-99. Passed 1-19-99.)
   (f)   High Strength Surcharge. In addition to the minimum charge and commodity charge given therein any user discharging wastewater of higher strength than that of segregated domestic waste shall pay the following:
Charge/lb. of BOD
above 180 mg/l
$4.99/100 lbs.
Charge/lb. of COD
above 450 mg/l
$1.99/100 lbs.
Charge/lb. of SS
above 200 mg/l
$3.32/100 lbs.
Charge/lb. of phosphorus
above 9 mg/l
$40.14/100 lbs.
Charge/lb. of floatable oils
Above 100 mg/l
$10.00/100 lbs.
   (g)   Over and above the charges established and set forth herein there may be established in special instances and upon special agreement between the City and the owner of any lot, parcel of land or premises served by the system, such additional charges for industrial wastes of unusual strength or composition which are acceptable by the City for treatment as may be determined to be fair and equitable. Each such special agreement and the charges established thereby shall not become effective until ratified by ordinance duly passed by Council.
   (h)   Each and every bill rendered for sewer discharged shall be paid within twenty days after the same becomes due. Ten percent (10%) additional shall be charged on each and every bill rendered for sewer discharged if not paid within twenty days after the same becomes due, and such delinquent sewer accounts are subject to shut-off at the discretion of the Director.
   (i)   The Director in and for the City, with the consent of Council, shall have full discretion to determine what premises located outside the corporate limits of the City shall be permitted to maintain connections with the system and also, with the consent of Council, to discontinue the service of the system to any such premises after having given the owner or occupant thereof at least thirty days written notice of the determination to discontinue service.
(Ord. 17-94. Passed 2-7-94; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
   EDITOR’S NOTE: Former Section 925.06 was deleted by Ordinance 49-2019, passed May 20, 2019.
   The following measures shall be used to determine the sewer charges provided by Section 925.05 upon premises served by the system.
   (a)    On premises having a water meter acceptable to the Director, the quantity of water used, as measured by such meter, shall determine the sewer charge thereon.
   (b)    On premises where the quantity of water used is not measured by a water meter or is measured by a water meter not acceptable to the Director, the owner shall at his expense install and maintain a water meter acceptable to the Director and the quantity of water used as measured by such meter shall determine the sewer charge thereon as provided herein.
   (c)    In the event it can be shown to the satisfaction of the Director, with respect to any pool which has been filled or refilled with water pursuant to Section 923.07,that such swimming pool is not connected to the sanitary sewer system and water draining from such a pool cannot enter the sanitary sewer system, then the quantity of water charged and paid for under such Section 923.07, shall be excluded from the total quantity of water used to determine the sewer charge thereon, anything to the contrary in this Code notwithstanding.
      (Ord. 106-77. Passed 12-7-77; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
   The sewer charges herein shall be payable monthly in conjunction with the administration of charges for water service at the office of the Division of Utilities, Department of Public Service. (Ord. 122-87. Passed 12-7-87; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
   (a)    Each sewer charge established and made pursuant to this chapter is hereby made a lien upon the premises charged therewith; and if the same is not paid within twenty days after it is due and payable, it shall be certified to the County Auditor, who shall place the same on the real property tax list and duplicate, with the penalties provided herein and interest allowed by law, and it shall be collected as other Municipal taxes are collected. The City shall also have the right, in the event of nonpayment, to discontinue service to such premises of water supplied by the City water system and of sewerage disposal or transportation until such unpaid sewer charges have been fully paid.
   (b)    When both sewer and water charges remain unpaid for services furnished to the premises, the Director of Public Service may certify such charges simultaneously to the County Auditor for placement on the tax duplicate.
(Ord. 121-87. Passed 12-7-87; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)
   Water supplied by the municipal water system for the extinguishing of fires, furnishing or supplying water to fire hydrants within the City shall not be used in determining any sewer charge as set forth in Section 925.05.
(Ord. 106-77. Passed 12-7-77; Ord. 49-2019. Passed 5-20-19.)