(a) No person shall discharge or explode within the City, any cannon, or torpedo of whatever description, cartridge, blank cartridge or discharge any firearm or dangerous ordnance or place upon any railway track, or place under or upon any vehicle or any other moving object any explosive or incendiary device. This section shall apply to any person, firm or corporation and to their officers, agents, servants and employees.
(b) This section shall not apply to officers, agents or employees of the City or State or any other City or State or the United States, or to law enforcement officers, authorized to carry firearms or dangerous ordnance, and acting within the scope of their duties; nor does this section apply to the use of firearms, blank cartridge or dangerous ordnance for legitimate commercial or industrial purposes or by starters at athletic events.
(c) Trapshooting or other target practice shall be permitted on the premises of gun clubs organized for such purposes.
(d) Whoever violates this section is guilty of a misdemeanor of the first degree.
(Ord. 68-73. Passed 12-17-73.)