5-3-3: LEASH LAW:
   A.   Leash Required; Nuisance: It shall be unlawful for any person to maintain a public nuisance by permitting any dog or other animal to leave the premises of its owner or keeper when not under control by leash no longer than seven feet (7').
   B.   Penalties: The penalty for owners of dogs which leave the owner’s premises when not under control by leash no longer than seven feet (7') shall be subject to penalty as provided in the City of Sycamore Consolidated Fee Schedule.
   C.   Exemptions: Guide dogs for the blind or police owned dogs are exempt from this section; providing, that no attack or injury to a person or other animal occurs while the dog is performing duties as expected. (1988 Code § 17.205; amd. 1994 Code; Ord. 2005.78, 1-3-2006; Ord. 2023.04, 5-1-2023)