(A)   “Land surveyor” and “survey” shall have the meanings set out in I.C. 36-2-19-1 et seq.
   (B)   Whenever a new tax parcel is created by reason of a transfer or subdivision of real estate in the county, then prior to the recordation of the deed for said parcel of real estate, a survey shall be furnished to the Auditor and recorded in the office of the County Recorder as required by I.C. 36-2-19-4, and copies provided to the County Auditor and Surveyor. A survey shall not be required for lots in a subdivision for which a final plat has been recorded. A survey will be required for the re-subdivision of a platted lot.
   (C)   A survey required by this section shall be submitted on 18 inches by 24 inches Mylar and shall state the following.
      (1)   The survey shall state whether or not the survey is of all or part of the seller’s land.
      (2)   The survey shall include the names of all adjoining owners.
      (3)   Whenever a survey is presented for recording, it shall have a prior deed reference of the parcel that is being transferred or subdivided.
      (4)   Each survey must have listed the acreage per section and, if the acreage is a part of two separate pervious deeds, the origin of the acreage per deed, must be identified by the book and page numbers.
      (5)   All visible easements must be shown on the survey.
      (6)   Each survey description shall commence at a point on a section line or quarter section line only.
   (D)   This section will be in full force and effect after its passage and publication as required by law.
(Ord. 07-20-09, passed 7-20-2009)